92 * Somebody Else (OE1)

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92 * Somebody Else (OE1)

11:38 am, September 20, year 2035

Hong Kong

Our camera hovers out of the principal elevator and notices that the other elevator next to the one that we used dings but the doors are getting closed

As soon as we enter the large office a huge smiling face greet us with those two blue-gray eyes shining "Hey! You late!..." She stands up from the table where she was sitting "My wife has just gone few seconds ago, she couldn't stay and keep waiting....sooo shall we continue?" Moonbyul says with that happiness that shines so radiant in her face, her movements and expression, she looks super happy and not tired like yesterday

"You know...I told my wife about our interview and that I'm telling my story, she was happy because I confessed her that looking at myself back thru all those years, I found out that I was happier than before" says Moonbyul while taking off her white expensive coat and leaving it inside the office on top of the large desk and then walks to the door to guide us again to that white round room "Very tired but happier, you know? Tired because I'm getting old and my company is growing exponentially but happier because I have my gorgeous wife, great friends and my children growing fast...I guess at this point there's nothing missing in my life, I don't need anything else just keep living my life like it would be the last day; she was happy because you reminded me many good and bad things, the most important part is that I've learned my lesson!" Moonbyul opens the door and allows our hovering camera in first "I should take some vacations before my last baby get to be born!"

She walks to the comfy recliner white chair but before taking the neuronal-hat "Damn, is a shame that y'all can't talk" she says turning her face to look at our camera "Don't you have the speaker mechanism? Hell, I wonder why Jungkook's company sucks in some areas, doesn't he know that the people that wants to be interviewed would like to chitchat with his machines, when you get back to the that huge magazine building, give him that message! Shit, he owns the biggest news and magazine company and still he has 'gaps' in his engineering!"

"You ready!?" Says Moonbyul who is sat on the recliner while holding the neuronal-hat, our camera nods once enough for Moonbyul to understand, she places the neuronal-hat on her head and smiles while looking at us and then closes her eyes

The lights turn off slowly leaving once again the room totally dark and we can't miss the same light shinning, that blue light bright coming from her neuronal-hat, this time that hurtful sound doesn't fill the room instead a sad song stars playing on the background and the room starts showing the video that soon surrounds our camera bringing us there


Moonbyul finds herself holding a glass and looking at a bottle of vodka in the same bar where she goes everytime something bad happens

"Byul!? Why are you still here?" RM says walking closer again, he has been checking on his best-friend every 10 minutes but everytime he gets closer he finds Moonbyul looking at the black wall and the same bottle and the same empty glass, Moonbyul hasn't touched the bottle which is still unopened

Secretly RM is glad and thankful that his best-friend is still sober after all that shit (Newspapers, media, the stress that her company is in crisis due the negative impact that her bad reputation brought, the negative press is suffocating her but not only that, her heart dying) that has been thrown to her these 3 weeks

Moonbyul has been coming to the bar and asking for the same but the latter hasn't drink any once of those bottles, to be honest it surprises him that Moonbyul has been sober and 'normal' as far as the word fits because the latter has been talking less and her expression is sad indeed Moonbyul is like a walking corpse "I told you to go home thrice already, will you do it or do you want me to force you again for the nth time? Why don't you go and find her? Wheein is been worried about your condition, you eat less and space out like stupid, hey!? Are you listening to me idiot?"

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