93 * Searching For You (OE2)

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93 * Searching For You (OE2)

"Solar..." but Solar turns around and walks away

Moonbyul is frozen in her spot, she doesn't know what to do, she has done so much pain in that woman, the woman that she loves the most

She can't stop here, right? She has come all the way here just to give up? She crossed oceans, she literally travelled all around the globe just to look the back of her wife walk away from her? No! So she runs behind Solar "Solar, YongSun!" she says running to the back door where Solar has walked out








Cold chills run down Solar's back

The sky is dark, there's no stars to look up

When Solar arrived at her parent's mansion two hours ago all she could do is change into her pajamas and sit out in the couch

Two hours doing nothing but just spacing out in the balcony

Looking at nothing to be exact and with one hundred thoughts running into her mind

Sadness? That is a feeling that she has become so used to yet there's a new feeling inside her...'Regret'

"Funny? How can I forgive someone like she? How to forget that something happened between them?" Solar smiles sadly yet she though 'But she didn't deserve it, I was so rude with her tonight...She left her first love just to follow me? Yet I can't my pride has become stronger these past few days...I need to be a real woman, despite the pain that I'm feeling' Solar is feeling confused but her pride is not willing to back-down from her decision


Moonbyul ran pushing the EXIT door, she kept running until reach and hold Solar's hand "YongSun-ah please wait, I really need to talk with....." but even before she could end her words Solar removes rudely her hand away from her "Don't touch me, you disgust me, to the point of wanting to vomit!"

For a minute Moonbyul got surprised again, this is not the Solar that she knew yet she understands that the latter is upset with her...Blinking and gulping away the pain that she felt because of Solar's rejection or better said repudiation in a whole high level "Solar! Please, I'm not giving up, not even if you treat me like trash! If I have to kneel down on my knees I'll do it but please listen!"

"I hate you so much that just your simple breathing and existence bothers me to the point of wanting to tear my eyes and ears from my head, I don't want to see you, I won't hear anything so don't make me lose my time, or are you stupid that you can't understand my words? .... You are not only a jerk you are stupid!" words...Solar knows that words hurt more that actions and she is trying to tear Moonbyul's heart open and she is getting it because seeing Moonbyul's gorgeous eyes getting moister

Solar doesn't know what to feel but a certain part of her heart and pride is feeling happy, she needs to make him pay for what he did, she wants revenge because this person in front of her broke her heart and her soul yet most of her heart is telling her to stop this...love is stronger but her sorrow is more than strong, is sharp to the point of wanting to chop Moonbyul's heart in little pieces

"I just...I want to apologize, I'm sorry I...I know that I deserve this but" Tears are falling down Moonbyul's pale cheeks "I'm sorry, I just wanted to beg for your forgiveness...I was stupid, I...I love you Solar" this was like a thunder that left Solar thunderstruck yet how can this unloyal asshole chose to say this important word in a moment like this? When her heart is still broken, beating uncontrollably but still broken

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