63 * (Forced) Wedding Night

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63 * (Forced) Wedding Night

"Now let's welcome the newlyweds" the priest says and everybody in the room stands up to clap, after this Moonbyul moves away finally opening her eyes and meeting a Solar with eyes closed "Solar...we must sign now!" Moonbyul whispers close to Solar's ear sending a wave of electricity to the latter who opens her eyes immediately then nods

After leaving their respective signatures on the legal papers, they stand up in front of the bunch of people to bow till 90 degrees presenting themselves as the new 'Moon couple' and again everybody in the room starts clapping and congratulate them once they walk downstairs towards their table







7:37 pm

The party or better said, the wedding buffet went well with slow but enjoyable music with people dancing here and there and obviously delicious food such as: Lobster with mashed potatoes, vegetarian food, filet mignon with green beans, barbecue dishes, among other expensive dishes

Everyone was enjoying it except for certain gray haired woman, she has been eying Hwasa from her seat and what she is seeing isn't the best view because there's a certain guest trying to flirt with Hwasa blatantly, Moonbyul has been trying to hold herself onto the chair in order to not run to them and kick that man's ass for flirting with her girlfriend

Her thoughts get interrupted when her father comes closer "Babe! I'm so happy for you, but" he gets closer enough to whisper privately the words that are only meant for his daughter "but you are not looking any happy, what is wrong? Why haven't you taken out Solar for a romantic waltz, don't you remember that is a must, I mean as a newlyweds you should present to the world with a waltz, don't you think!?" Moonbyul rolls her eyes "Dad, I'm not in a good mode, not right now!" then she directs her sight to where Hwasa is attempting to push the hand of that asshole flirting with her

His dad shows his teasing smirk "Is because of your girlfriend, am I right? I saw her and let me tell you something, if you mom finds out about it, she...." Moonbyul explodes "OK! Ok, ok I got it...damn, I'll dance that stupid dance with her...where is she?" His father smiles widely "Who? Your wife? Well she is...there talking with Irene, I guess, her best friend...go my tiger! Also we'll be waiting for you two after the waltz...to leave you at the place where you two will have your wedding night!" with this Moonbyul gulps for the nth time today "I...I don't think...." but suddenly his father shushes her and pushes her to where Solar is standing with Irene

Now in front of Solar and Irene, Moonbyul shows her best fake smile "Hi...Hi Irene!..." then she looks at Solar awkwardly "I...mmm....my dad...uuhhmm....Do you...Do you want to dance?" Moonbyul offers her sweating and trembling hand, to say that she is nervous for some reason is obvious but Solar show her gentle and honest smile "Yes, I'd love to dance with you!" and just like this Solar places her soft hand slowly on top of Moonbyul's sweating hand

Moonbyul guides Solar to the center of the place where people is dancing but once they are in the center people stop dancing to give the new couple space and the attention that they need, yes every single pair of eyes in this place are on them even the cameras "I'm sorry..." Moonbyul says before placing her hands on Solar's waist and bringing the latter closer to her meanwhile Solar is biting her lower lip trying to stop her shy but big smile, it was useless because she has the biggest smile ever now on her face

They are looking at each other's eyes "We got problems" says Moonbyul smiling but as soon as those words left her mouth, Solar frowns "What? What kind of problems?" Moonbyul leans enough to place her lips on Solar's ear "Smile...we need to make them believe that we are super happy!" with this Solar feels the first stab on her heart and just like this Moonbyul ruined this special moment, she does her best to show her fake smile "ok...what is the problem?"

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