49 * Japan 6.6.6

295 13 17

49 * Japan 6.6.6

Moonbyul let the bags fall and she stars running after her fan leaving a shocked Solar behind

"Moon!!! Moonbyul!!!" Solar yells while picking up the bags but when she was done picking up the bags, she stands up just to see that there isn't any sight of Moonbyul

Solar starts panicking and her nervousness spikes up because she doesn't remember the way back to the car, this place is so large and crowded but she doesn't fucking know how to speak Japanese...and just like that, she knew she was fucked up

Solar feels tears falling down her cheeks, she touches her face and tries to hide her face because it is so embarrassing, people that passes by look at her like a weirdo....





....This reminds her that day when she was a kid and she ran inside the park losing her parents in the way, she started crying uncontrollably until her father found her and hugged her until she fell a sleep...

Solar always had that fear to get lost in a country that she has never visited before, that's why she uses to travel a lot to know many places but she always travels with her friends but now she is alone in a country that she has never ever visited, that's why she doesn't even know how to say 'kokonni...nnichiwa?'

"Fuck" Solar mumbles because she doesn't remember some words that Moonbyul taught her and the worse part of this is that she left her cell phone inside Moonbyul's car, a car that she doesn't even remember where they left

There's no way to find Moonbyul into this huge crowded place, an idea pops into Solar's head

She goes back to the bridge where Moonbyul told her that interesting story, Moonbyul's special place

Once there she sits in the corner and waits for Moonbyul to rescue her, she hopes that Moonbyul would come back for her and rescue her from this place

5:46 pm

Solar lifts her sight just to see a very beautiful sunset, if she wasn't crying like a kid she could have enjoy it but she is scared as fuck because people are passing by looking at her weirdly, some men stay there not too far from her and it is starting to scare the hell out of her

6:56 pm

Meanwhile Moonbyul is panting bowing her body and supporting her upper body with her hands that are on her knees, her head is yelling at her but she doesn't know why

Did she forget something? She looks behind her and "Solar?" Moonbyul looks her surroundings trying to find the pink haired woman trying to find her somewhere "SOLAR!? YongSun!!!" Moonbyul yells panicking "Oh, no, no, no, noooo...if my parents get to know that I lost my fake fiancée they may kill me just like Solar's parents"

Moonbyul starts running around the place while screaming Solar's name...

She almost loses her mind trying to find Solar but then she mumbles "She may had gone back to where we left the car!?" and runs all the way back to her car while yelling YongSun's name like an insane woman

7:36 pm

When she gets there Moonbyul turns around looking at her surroundings trying to find the pink haired girl "SOLAR!!!? YONGSUN!!! SOLAR!!!" she keeps yelling but Solar is not there

Moonbyul is all sweaty and panting, she takes her phone out of her pocket and dials Solar's phone number but to her surprise the sound comes out of her car, she looks inside just to notice that Solar has left her cell phone there

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