57 * Half God Half Devil

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57 * Half God Half Devil

All she knows in this precise moment is that precious feeling of being secured between two strong arms and this magnificent feeling of being in peace, in the right place, in the place where she and her fiancé belong.....

.....Between each other's arms, even if it's just for a moment....

......she will enjoy this moment like if it's her last!




After calming down her fiancée

Moonbyul and Solar sat down in front of the piano yet Solar isn't letting go off Moonbyul who is also side-hugging her with her left long and strong arm

Moonbyul's hand keeps on caressing Solar's left arm up and down soothingly while the latter has her head supported on Moonbyul's chest, deep inside, Solar's heart feels like moisten with Moonbyul's scent so she keeps breathing deeply into it

After more than 30 minutes in a comfortable silence, Solar suddenly asks "Why do you have this place?"

Moonbyul frowns "Mmm...I haven't used this place in a very long time....not after my first love took away my passion for the music...so yeah...I purchased this place after she broke up with me but I haven't used it....I couldn't sing or even dance at that time....not until I recently, until I found the reason to do it again but I literally forgot that I had this place!" Solar gets more curious but decides to not pry more, at least not now

"Why were you crying?" Now is the turn of Moonbyul to ask Solar a question but sadly a question that Solar can't answer "I just felt like that..."

Moonbyul bites her lower lip "Is because of your boyfriend? Did he do something bad or said something bad to you?" Moonbyul honestly feels worried for Solar

Solar looks pretty bad and thinnest than before also those puffy eyes with deep circles around makes her feel more than worried "......"

Moonbyul waited for an answer but Solar never did so she talks away "Hey! Is not like you can't tell me but is ok! Falling in love isn't easy and having a relationship is hard sometimes but it will get better with time just have a little bit patience with him, ok!?"

Solar lifts her sight and gets soon lost in Moonbyul's deep gray-blue eyes....sadly it looks like Moonbyul has only listened the last part of the song and couldn't listen when Solar yelled or mostly sang the part where she mentioned 'GRAY-BLUE eyes'

Solar gets closer a little bit and Moonbyul's eyes go wide open but all that get crashed and Solar gets startled when Moonbyul's phone rings

"Uh...I...I'm sorry" Moonbyul takes out her cell phone from the pocket of her pants "I gotta go!" Moonbyul says while looking the ID of the call and Solar could see it too it said 'Hwasa My Big Butt😍'

'fear' that is the first thing Solar feels

This feeling is followed by 'envy and jealousy'

The agony is real, thinking that Moonbyul will be hers but only in paper....

All Solar really wants in this moment, all she wants from this world, is Moonbyul next to her 24/7, she fucking doesn't want to let Moonbyul go anywhere; only god knows how much her heart aching only with the idea of Moonbyul leaving her side to go to her

Indeed Solar doesn't let go of Moonbyul when the latter said that 'she gotta go'

In fact Solar even hugs the latter tightly making Moonbyul frown "Mmmm...will you be alright? I mean I really need to go but if you need me I'll stay here for some minutes more!? Also Solar you need to eat something, the maid and your parents are worried for you!" Solar frowns wondering if her fiancé is worried for her too but all she does is nod with that sad and suffocating feeling on her chest

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