51 * Japan 8.8

261 8 0

51 * Japan 8.8

Solar smiles awkwardly and Moonbyul shows her shiny teeth "Solar...I want to apologize about....everything...absolutely everything....I know we, any of us didn't want this but we have to...but I promise I won't ever again cross the line with you, ok! I promise to respect you more and hope you can do the same!" Moonbyul offers her pale hand making Solar doubt if she really wants to close this deal, she doesn't want to be respected anymore...she wants Moonbyul to keep crossing the line, or not?

She stays there looking at Moonbyul's hand....To her surprise Moonbyul leans to take her hand and shakes it "Deal!" says Moonbyul happily but Solar doesn't look happy with this a part of her doesn't want this anymore





AN/Bitches! Surprise again! Yes this is another update, a little shorter but it is because I need to end this Japan sequence to start the against part? The hurtful part? Damn I don't know but I'll try to keep it up! Yow thank you so much also for commenting and reading my stuff, your commentaries make my day a happy one :3 they distract me in a good way!

Saturday comes like a bright new day

11:53 am

Moonbyul walks to the restroom while holding her head, the headache is way too much for her

If they would have come earlier home yesterday.... "Shit"

Her eyes go wide open when a pair of big breasts appear in front of her, her eyes go down to look at a hairless lower part "AAAAAHHHHH!"

"YAAAAHHH! GET OUT!" Solar yells immediately then turns around showing her big and white as snow buttocks to Moonbyul "Don't you need help hahahaha" laughs Moonbyul but Solar doesn't take it the same way and after covering her body with the towel, she comes closer to Moonbyul who keeps laughing her ass off

To her biggest surprise and that big impact on her cheek Moonbyul stops her laugh "Did you just slap my face again?" asks Moonbyul angrily

"I-I...you...it was a friendly slap! I mean I was mad and you were teasing me after invading my privacy and that is disrespectful" Solar stutters while explaining "It was a mistake, I wouldn't get into the bathroom if I would have known that you were here...I'm sorry" Moonbyul says passing next to Solar bumping her shoulder against Solar's

Solar knows that she fucked it up and sighs then goes to dress up to be ready to go to the company with Moonbyul

1 pm

When Moonbyul walks downstairs she goes directly to the main door avoiding and ignoring Solar's yells "YAH! Wait for me! I am eating!!!" Solar continue yelling while trying to swallow the food but when she ends her breakfast, well lunch, she runs out of the mansion just to find out that Moonbyul has already left without her

Solar feels like crying, Moonbyul has left her behind again "Wh-what is wrong with her?" she asks with her cracking voice...she feels hurt and upset because Moonbyul has just left to work without her and now she doesn't know what to do

She holds her head, she has a very horrible headache if she wouldn't have asked Moonbyul to take her to that bar yesterday, Solar leaves a long sigh out of her mouth feeling embarrassed of what she did yesterday

Literally this friendship of them is fucking shit, all she can remember was how drunk she was dancing with random people when suddenly she felt like throwing up and she did throw up on someone the shame came when she lifted her sight just to find Moonbyul looking at her shocked and the next thing was worst...how could she do something like that

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