50 * Japan 7.7

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50 * Japan 7.7

Moonbyul sighs and moves to her side getting into the sheets "Good night!" Moonbyul says but Solar doesn't answer anything not even 'night'...Moonbyul pouts sadly

Moonbyul is worried that Solar's boyfriend could treated her badly, at least she had good luck with Hwasa who believed her words and she won't think about the rest because she may get more confused if she thinks about the 'almost kiss' and that hot moment yesterday, she needs to respect Solar more because after all they both have a relationship with different people!

Yes, she will make it up for Solar tomorrow and will talk with her as a friend....she will learn to respect more her new friend, of course if Solar wants to be her friend






This AN is from today so yeah deal with it gays/ I bet yall didn't wait for me to update a 3rd chapter after the two that I've posted, well you're lucky asses ;D a kinda long update! Finally chapter 50, actually I don't have the amount of how much this will take but I am almost in the very 60% of the plot or I guess so...I love entertain yall so deal with that bitches!

AN/ a little note e.e---ok this Japan sequence or thing was supposed just to have 7 chapters but since I couldn't have the 7 days of the weeks with these chapters I guess this will take 9 or 10 chaps, anyways sorry for your MoonSun hearteau XD...without saying anything else LeeGoo back to the fic

Next Morning

Friday, 3 days before they go back to South Korea

Moonbyul decides to take another day off from work to take Solar somewhere, a great place, nah she will take Solar to two places where her parents once took her when she was a kid

8 am

Moonbyul walks out of the bathroom already dressed up with casual clothes, she has been doing this to avoid more 'awkward situations' with Solar also because she wants to keep her promise, the promise that she did to her actual girlfriend...So she must stop her exhibitionism and she is trying her best now!

Actually she was surprised to not find herself in a very unconfutable position with Solar who actually stood still in her place

She stops in her tracks when notices that Solar is still soundly sleeping "YAH! YongSun-ah, wake up!" Solar stirs in her sleep not wanting to wake up and ignore that voice, that voice is owned by a jerk, a jerk that unintentional broke up her heart

Her poor heart

"If you won't wake up we will be late!" Moonbyul says sitting on the bed looking at Solar's face which is covered with her hair disheveled hair, when Moonbyul was about to remove those pink locks Solar sits up immediately "Today...we have to go to the company, right?"

Moonbyul frowns because she can sense Solar's cold tone towards her "mmm...yes but first we have to do something..." Solar narrows her eyes "Why are you using casual clothes and what is that something we have to do first?"

Moonbyul sighs "We have to go somewhere..." but before Moonbyul could end her statement Solar cuts her off "I don't want to go anywhere with you, not if it's not the company!" Moonbyul looks back at Solar with her deep frown "What? What is going on with your mode this morning? Are you with your period? Anyways this is important, we need to go so move!"

"Are you deaf asshole? I said I won't go anywhere with you if it's not the company, jerk!" Solar yells loud making Moonbyul upset "YAH! I am not asking if you want to come with me, just fucking move out off my bed and go wash your dirty ass!" she snaps Solar making the latter furious

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