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"Go save your friend and get ya'self home!" The tavern keeper exclaimed, unhelpfully.  The patrons egging him on to  help his bird friend.

"Uh..." he turned to look back at you. You gave him a thumbs up "okay."

He bolted out the door, you following close behind, gripping Greg's hand like a parent would. You were panicking inside, you weren't very good with kids...

"Oh boy, I guess I'm really doing this.." Wirt murmured.

"Don't worry, love. I have your back" you said as calmly as you could manage. Your people battery was so drained, you were still a tad pissed at the patrons, and your responsibility for Greg's safety, caused you to be so out of it that you didn't realize the cheesy thing you called your lovely boyfriend.

He did though. It make his extremely flustered at first, then soon became a bit more confident in his actions.

He found a nearby horse, set it free and tried to ride it. Thankfully he wasn't hurt.

He stopped in front of you, giving you time to lift Greg onto it, then hopping up yourself.

Wirt snatched a lantern, you were very impressed.

The horses hoofs echoed through the pitch black, freezing forest. Wirt ran into one of the eerie trees with faces, leaking mysterious black stuff,

You've never seen a tree like it. Not a single tree like that exists, yet here it is, existing like a middle finger to logic herself.

How the hell does a tree naturally grow faces?


"It's you!" Wirt gasped.

"Hey, Mr. Woodsman!" Greg greeted, obvious to the potentially dire situation.

"I told you to leave these woods!" The man shouted, his leathery face showing a mix of terror and anger.

What was he scared of? What thing warrants such a reaction? Why was he, a grown man with an axe caused this terror? Should you be just as scared?

Who was the rational one? Him? You? Neither?

One thing was clear as day, however. Beatrice was crumpled at the bace of an  eerie tree. Many cuts littered the tree, caused by the Woodsman.

"Beatrice!" Wirt gasps "you're turning her into an edelwood tree!" He paused, "you were the beast all along..."

The Woodsman's fear was contagious, when Wirt blew out their lantern, only made you more anxious.

The horse jump scared the man, letting Wirt sneak behind and grab the Woodsman's leg.

You grabbed the bird gently. You felt her body heat through her freezing feathers. She was alive, just cold and unconscious.

"Boys, the beast is upon you!" He warned, threateningly.

Wirt kicked his lantern.

It landed on a root,  catching fire. The giant tree went up in flames quickly. It was horrific. 

You stared at the fire. It fed odd thoughts into your head.

Greg doesn't belong here, this isn't for him.

You three weren't on Earth anymore.

Perhaps this was the land of the dead?

Perhaps you could figure out the rules and get home, as well as get Wirt and Greg home.

Loveliest Lies Of All (Wirt X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now