-chapter two-

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~Chapter 2~

Los Angeles (Jacks house) // 3rd P.O.V

It was around 8:30 pm when Zach found himself climbing the tree that gave access to Jack's room, it was already a routine, fighting with his father for some reason he didn't even know, it seemed that every day Jonah found something new to fight with son, Zach knew that he was not the exemplary child, at least for the time being, but he did not understand how they managed to find a new motive with each passing day. These fights always resulted in the oldest going out to make God knows what and that was when he took his chance to escape and go to his boyfriend's house. He would knock 5 times at the window and wait for him to open.

You must be wondering why he would enter Jack's house through the window instead of the front door. Jack's family knew about their relashionship and loved Zach as if he was part of the family. At first they just thought the two boys were best friends, as they never showed any affection for each other in front of them. The boy with pink cheeks would go there once in a while with Jack after school to do "some project" or just spend the afternoon... but let's just say things might have started to get a little too frequent, making the two of them tell the Avery family about them. They all accepted and now everytime Zach would go to their house, he would spend more time with Jack's sisters than his boyfriend himself, hence the reason that everytime he was in need of comfort he would come through the window. He didn't wanna appear "weak" or something to the girls.

*time skip: 30min*

"Sometimes I wish I knew what he's doing or where he is..." Zach says quietly cuddling even more in Jack.

"Yeah, I know babe, I know how much this hurts you." Jack said looking down to Zachs brown orbs. "You know what I would do if this really was bothering me?"

"Question him about what he's doing?"

"Yeah." The curly haired boy answered as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Already did that, spoiler, didn't end well, don't ya remember?" Zach said in a kind of sarcastic way.

"Oh, I forgot, sorry. Why don't you try showing him that you want to spend more time with him then?"

"And how would I do that? I can't remember the last time he looked at me without disappointment or anger screaming out from his eyes."

"Why don't ya try by being yourse-" Jack stopped speaking when Zach laughed sarcastically.

"Are you serious? I'm not doing that!" Zach protested.

"Why not?"

"Because I did it for I don't know how many years and all I got was to be more ignored than I already am, at least now I get 10 minutes of his total attention, even though most of the time it includes shouting and angry words." The rose checked boy whispered yelled.

"Well, then I don't know, if I were you I would try showing him what he's missing." Jack said smiling and softly.

"And what would that be?"

"The amazing person you are."

"I'm not amazing." The younger one disagreed.

"Yes you are. You are beautiful * kiss his hand * smart * another kiss * know how to sing and play the guitar wonderfully * another kiss * and I am not a father, but I am sure that if I were, I would not want to lose growth of my son doing God knows what. "

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