-chapter sixteen-

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~chapter 16~

Zach's P.O.V // his house // *few months later, end of summer*

⚠TW: disordered eating and ed's thoughts + purging ⚠

The Disney trip was fun. On the following day, we all went out to get breakfast and then we headed back home. We've been doing this a lot ever since we went there. These little gather together has been everything I've been looking forward, it's the only time I feel wanted. Of course, I feel left out and like a bother sometimes, but in those rare moments where I ignore these thoughts and live in the moment, I tend to actually have a good time.

Dad and daddy has also went on "dates" and gone out a lot more in this spare time, which resulted in them dating again. About 3 weeks after we went to Disney, dad asked him if he wanted to be his boyfriend again. Even though they started dating, nothing actually changed, we still live in ours separated houses and see each other in the same frequency as before.

We only have two more weeks of summer, which kinda sucks... I'm not that fan of school, but I don't complain much since Jack is in most of my classes with me, so I get to spend more time with him.

Today we are going to this fancy restaurant to have dinner I don't know why, dad just told me to dress up, look nice and behave. Once I got my hair fixed and finished getting dressed I headed downstairs, where my dad was already dressed. We were both wearing fancy button ups and pants; I really hope this restaurant has a good air conditioner because I feel like melting. (A/N: I imagined Zach wearing his acoustic fallin' music video outfit in this, idk why lol)

"I didn't know you still had this shirt. Ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah... I don't wear it much, but yes, I'm ready."

"Okay, let's go."

We both crossed the street and met them in their house. Dads kissed and I hugged daddy before walking to where Daniel was. After chatting a bit, we hopped in the car and headed to the restaurant.

*Small time skip // at the restaurant*

Oh my, that's a fancy place.

We headed to our table that was on a more reserved place and near the window that contained a beautiful panoramic view from LA since this restaurant was on a rooftop. Dad really wanted this to be special, dang.

We all ordered our food and started making small talks here and there; everything was going good so far.

*Time skip again, sry // once they finished*

We all had finished our meals. Everything was divine, although I can't help but feel guilty about it. Today was a cheat day, I was told about this dinner about a week ago and I think I saved enough calories for today, but this doesn't mean I'm not feeling guilty about it. I was too lost in thought to realize my dad standing up, so when I finally took notice I saw him kneeled down in front of my other dad.

"Corbyn, you've seen my worst and yet, agreed in giving me a second chance after all of this years. This second chance has been everything I've been dreaming in this past 13 years, the reason I woke up every single day. I know we've just started dating again, but I don't have a single doubt that you are the person I want to wake up next to everyday for the rest of my life. I knew that ever since I've first locked my eyes with yours all those years back. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, that's one of the things I'm sure about my life. So... Corbyn Matthew Besson, will you marry me?"

Oh my godddd! This ain't happening! No! Holy shit!!

"Yes!" Daddy agreed before they kissed and whole place started applauding.

No! Oh my— someone wake me up please!

I felt my breath itch and my heart rate spike up. My chest was starting to get heavier and heavier. I felt the vile coming up on my throat. "Excuse me." I said quickly before running to the toilet. Everyone was too busy looking at them to realize my pale greenish face.

As I got in the toilet, I waste no time in throwing everything I had ate up, sticking my fingers down on my throat to make it quicker and easier. I needed to be in control of something.

I think I spend a good 10 minutes on the bathroom, not so sure though. Once I got back to our table, I saw Daniel between dads laughing and looking at the ring. They looked so happy.

"Oh hey Zach, look at this! Is so beautiful, isn't it?" My brother asked me.

"Yeah, it is."

"You good? You look a little pale." Daddy questioned me.

"Yeah, I'm good, I just needed a little bit of fresh air, sorry."

"Nah, don't worry." He said to me before going back to their conversation.

*Time skip again, pls don't kill me // Jonah's house*

*Still Zach's P.O.V*

We left the restaurant and came back to our houses. Daniel convinced them to spend some time alone, so Dani and I went back to my house while they went to Corbyn's.

"Your room is nice." He complemented my room. I just realized now he has never came here.


"So... isn't this exciting?" He asked me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it cool that we are going to move and live in the same house now?"

"What do you mean by moving?" I questioned gulping.

"Now that dads are going to get married again, they are obviously going to live together, and I believe they're going to buy a new house so we can all start over. You didn't believe they were going to keep living in separates houses, did you?"

"I guess I just haven't thought about that..." I tried to hide my internal critic state.

"That's fine, but I'm so so soooo excited!"

"Why's that?"

"How can't you be?" He asked me smiling. "I can't wait to live with dada. Dad can be kind of too protective sometimes... dada is so fun, like he's the perfect balance of 'you only live once, let's do it!' and caring/protective."

Oh... who's gonna tell him? Definitely not me. But actually... he is this way when he's with Daniel...

"C'mon, daddy isn't this bad, is nice sometimes to have someone caring like him around."

"Yeah, sure, but not all the time. Don't you think?"

"I dunno...."

We kept talking for another 3 hours about all of types of things. Daniel is a very sweet and good person to talk with actually, I couldn't ask for a better brother. After he fell asleep I laid down and started thinking about life... how would this work? Would it be better live with them? Would it be worse? Will they get tired of me?

-word count: 1180- 

A/N: sry for the huge amount of time skips and rushed chapter. 

How will Zach feel about living with Corbyn and Daniel? 

Is Jonah going to start to acting nicer and more caring towards Zach?

Will something change in Corbyn and Zach's relationship? What about Jonah and Daniel's?

What do you think will happen next?

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