-chapter three-

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~chapter 3~

San Diego (Corbyn house) // Corbyns P.O.V

After the conversation I had with Eben at the cafe, he called his friend and passed my resume and qualifications, the school director liked it a lot, I'm making a video call with him to see if I'm really hired in 15 minutes, to say I'm nervous, it is not enough.

Going back to Los Angeles was never in my plans, I miss Zach, he was my baby too, I may have only stayed 6 months with him, but it was more than enough to fall in love with him. My biggest dream would be to be able to meet him again, have a conversation with him. I wonder every night before going to sleep how he is, how his physical appearance is, what his personality is like, it's been 13 years, and you can't compare a 3-year-old with a 16-year-old.

I also always wonder how my departure was for him, how he felt the day he found out that he would no longer see me, did he cry? What did he do on the first rainy night when I wasn't there to protect him? How was his first day of school? I don't know, and I'll probably never know.

Jonah's reaction to my pregnancy and our entire divorce hurt me a lot. All I wanted most was for him to love Daniel just as he loved Zach. We had agreed not to have any more children, not to adopt any more. Daniel was a miracle, we had tried so hard to have our children before Zach, but it never worked, until it worked. If I got pregnant, i didn't get alone, Daniel isn't just mine biologically, it's his too, but he lost the right to call Daniel his the day he decided to abandon me because I was pregnant with his baby.

*Time skip: after the interview*

I got the job. I can't believe it. I'm moving to L.A. How am I gonna tell Dani? How's gonna be his reaction to leave his friends?

*Time skip: after dinner*

"Dani, baby, can I talk to you?" I asked him as I walked inside his bedroom. I didn't knocked since the door was cracked open.

"Yup, what's up?"

"Remember when I told you about the school closing?"


"I got a new job today." I say smiling to him.

"For real?! Where?!" Daniel exclaimed hugging me.

"So that's the thing, we'll have to move, the job I got is in L.A."

"L.A, as in Los Angeles? When?"

"We'll be moving in the 2nd week of summer vacations, I know you probably is sad that you'll have to leave your friends, but L.A is 2 hours by car from here, only 120 miles, we can visit every time you want and we'd have a break, after all grandma lives here."

"Can we throw a small goodbye party before we leave, with all of my friends?"

"Yeah, and there's more, this new job will pay me almost the double that I'm being paid right now, since is a private high school. Eben also lives there, just like your aunt Ashely and Uncle Jordan. It's going to be different, but is going to be a good change, I promise, baby."

"I trust you even though that doesn't make any easier." Daniel said hugging me again.

"I know, but hey, is going to be ok." I said smiling to him and kissing the top of his head. "You should go shower, is almost bedtime."

"Okay." He said, grabbing his pajamas and going towards the bathroom at the hall.

*Time skip: after moving to Los Angeles*

Los Angeles (new house) // Daniels P.O.V

This new house is actually really nice. I've never been to L.A before, this is my first time, every time I met Uncle Jordan or Eben or Aunt Ashley, they were the ones travelling and going to San Diego. I haven't seen much of the city, but it looks nice. Our house is not exactly in the middle of the city is more around the suburb. I prefer, that way, more quiet. The neighbor seems nice, the houses are really pretty too. Tomorrow me, dad and my uncles are going out to eat, celebrating our first night here, well more like second, but that's because we're busy today unpacking.

The house we moved into has 2 floors, is grey on the outside and have a couple trees on the front.

Corbyn's P.O.V:

I loved the house and I can tell Daniel loved too. I chose this one because is far from where me and Jonah used to live. I don't know if he moved or not, but I'm not willing to find out. Today while we're on the way here, I couldn't stop thinking about Zach and consequently Jonah. On the way we passed by the park we used to go with Zach at least once a week. I haven't been back in 13 years here, it hasn't changed much the part we used to live, that we also passed by. I'm almost thinking Jordan went through that way on purpose. 

Zach's P.O.V:

Here I am, in my room, looking out of my bedroom window, with nothing to do, I wish I could go to Jack's, but he's at some family dinner. Dad is for the first time in I don't know how many weeks at home, but he is already asleep, not that it mattered, he would never do anything with me.

It was only now for some reason that I realized that the front house was sold, it had been on sale for a long time. I don't know why it excited me. I look at the window in the front house and I see a boy that looked a bit younger than me inside the room unpacking his things. I can't see his face right from the distance, but maybe I'll find out one day. But there is no point in hoping Zach he will probably never even talk to you, who would like to be your friend after all? Not even your own father spends time with you and is counting the days to kick you out from home.

I decided to try to go to bed, is in nights like these ones that I think about my other father, I was only 3 when he left, I can still remember the day he left, the day that dad (Jonah) told me I would never see him again. I remember crying in his arms. I remember all that. Dad (Jonah) threw all his pictures away, well not away, he kept them in a box. He would never let me see them, but that doesn't mean I never saw them. My other father was blonde, with blue and golden eyes, thin, tall but still shorter than dad (Jonah). He probably got sick of me and left. I can't blame him, I would leave too if I had myself as a son. I wonder what would happen if I met him again. 

-word count: 1165-

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