-chapter twenty-

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~chapter twenty~

Zach's P.O.V // their house

I spent this whole day here in my room; dad didn't even try grounding me for my surprise. I spent most of today sleeping and watching TV, since there was nothing that I could actually do inside my room.

The sun had already set and I was starving, but I couldn't bring myself downstairs to eat something. Mostly because I was very dizzy, but also cause I didn't want to face my parents that I knew were in the living room.

I kept thinking about that until I heard a knock on my door. "Zach?" And here goes nothing... it's my dad (Jonah).

"Go away!"

"No chance. I'm coming in." Why does he even knock if he's not respecting me not wanting to see him?

"What?" I asked him annoyed, turning off my phone and looking at him.

"Hey! Drop the attitude, I just wanna talk." He demanded walking in direction to my desk and sitting on the chair.

"No, seriously, what do you want?" I asked more calmly.

"What do you think I wanna talk with you?"

"I dunno... you never talk with me." I spat at him and he raised an eyebrow at me. "You wanna talk about me sneaking out."

"Bingo." He faked a happy tone. "Why did you do it?"

"I don't know... as I said, my friend needed me."

"Couldn't you've asked us?"

"Would you have let me go? I don't think so." I replied to him smartly.

"What I don't get it is why would this person need you in the middle of the night? If they had a problem, why would they call a friend? Wouldn't be better if they had called his parents, or girlfriend/boyfriend or I don't know... anyone closer?"

"I dunno..." I replied looking down and playing with my thumbs.

"Zach, your dad was on the verge of a heart attack when he realized you weren't in your room. I don't even know how would've your brother reacted if he found out!" So he's worried about his precious Daniel and Corbyn, not about me getting hurt or anything. Good to know.

"Okay, so what do you want me to say to you? Sorry?"

"Yeah, a decent apology and you never doing that again would be a good start."

"I'm sorry and I'm never helping a friend in need ever again. Is that good?" I said rashly and in a higher tone.

"Zach that's not what I meant-"

"You already got what you wanted, now get out!"

"You know what? I tried coming in here to sort things out with you. I wasted my time in coming here to give you some attention and maybe try to understand the reason why you did what you do, but I guess I just wasted my time. There's no way in having a decent conversation with you." Jonah said to his son getting out of his room.

Corbyn's POV // just as Jonah left his son's room

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