-chapter seven-

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~chapter 7~

Los Angeles // Zachs P.O.V

When my father left the house, I went downstairs and met my aunt. I was sincerely surprised. I didn't know if I was sad because apparently he doesn't trust me enough to leave me alone anymore or if I am happy because she is here and that has always meant fun.

"Hey, wanna go out on a walk?" She asked me smiling as I walked in the room she was.

"Yeah, why not?" I agreed. Esther is one of the few people who seems to understand me, she might doesn't know much about my life and almost never be here, although every time she is here, she really is, unlike certain people who may even be in the same room as you, but do not make the slightest question of how you are or try to cheer you up if you are sad or something.

We went out walking around the neighborhood, we walked inside a few stores, took some pictures and even bought a vans for me. 15 minutes later we found ourselves in a park, we walked there in a comfortable silence. As we arrived there we started talking about the most random topics and goofing around all over again. I was actually having fun, I can't remember the last time I laughed that much without Jack around.

We got some ice creams and sat on one of the park benches. I spotted not so far away two people, one of them looked oddly like my father (Jonah), I couldn't see the other one face. I decided to go a bit near to check, I don't really know why, but something was telling me to go there.

I went as close as I could without them seeing me and yes, one of them definitely is my dad. Now, who is the other one? My thoughts interrupted were by the ring of my phone, Jack. I picked up on the second ring. I decided to come back to my aunt as I started speaking with him. I decided to ask him to come over, my aunt wanted to meet my friends any ways and this way she can meet him without my dad walking in the middle of everything.

Z: Heyy, whats up?

J: Everything ok? Are you around, you know?

Z: Yeah, my aunt is here, we're at the park.

J: Oh that's cool.

Z: Yeah, today was fun, we're heading back home now.

J: Ah wanna come over later? I miss you.

Z: Actually why don't you come over, now.

J: You sure about that? What about your father

Z: Not home, and I wanna introduce you to my aunt, she wanna meet my friends.

J: Ah ok, I'm on my way.

Z: See ya.

*Time skip: 10 minutes after Jack arrived*

My aunt loved Jack, I'm actually happy. She thinks he's just my friend though but I don't care, her reaction being positive towards him is already more than enough for the time being.

We were all laughing and making jokes about everything for the past 15 minutes, that moment I felt actually loved and happy, two things I honestly can't remember the last time I felt this way. My stomach was honestly hurting from how much I was laughing.

Jonah P.O.V:

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