-chapter nineteen-

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~chapter 19~

Avery's house // 3rd person

"I should probably get going." Zach told Jack once they finished breakfast. "Thank you for letting me stay over."

"Alright, and don't worry, you know you are always welcomed here." Jack said before giving him a quick hug and kiss and opening the door.

Zach's POV // his house

"You definitely took your time... 10am. A new record you're trying to reach?" I heard my dad sarcastically telling me. That was the moment where I knew I was in more trouble than I used to get...

"No." I softly denied.

"Where were you? Don't lie!" He yelled at me.

"At a friend's house."

"Sure... I bet you were at some friend's house... partying, drinking and doing shit!"

"N-no, I wasn't!" I shot back hurt.

"If you weren't doing anything wrong, why didn't you ask us, huh?" He asked me crossing his arms and looking me angrily. "Do you have any idea how worried your dad got when he realized you weren't home? He isn't used to this shit Zachary, nor should I be used to this."

"I-I'm not lying."

"Why didn't you ask us then?"

"You three were busy, a-and and, my friend needed me." Well... referring to yourself from another's person perspective isn't a crime, in a way or another, I was the 'friend' that needed him...

"Us three? What?"

"Just forget it! Just punish me already and move on with your goddamn day."

"Do you really think is okay for you to spend the night somewhere else without telling us?"

"Why are you caring so much?"

"Oh my god, why am I caring about my underage son who snuck out and stayed MIA for 16 hours?"

"I don't know. I really don't fucking know! You never did!"

"What do you mean by I never did?"

"Well, in the first place you never even was at home or cared in telling me that you weren't coming back home! Do you know how many nights I fucking stayed up worried sick that something had happened to you? Do you know how many days I spent coming back home just wanting to be with you, for you to never show up and when you would appear, would shout at me or not even say more than a 'hi' or stay for more than 10 minutes?" I yelled at him letting a little bit of my frustration crystal clear.

"Zach-" He tried in a more calm tone.

"No, forget it." I cut him before walking upstairs to my room, whispering under my breath the last part. "Like you always do..."

As I was walking in direction to my room looking down, I didn't see Corbyn coming downstairs. He probably heard the shouts... great, now I'm a disappointment to both of them.

"Wait, Zach!" He tried talking to me after I bumped into him, but I just ran to my room and shut the door. I didn't need anyone shouting at me at the moment.

Corbyn's POV

I was showering when the shouts first started. I dried myself and put on some clothes as quickly as I could wanting to see what it was happening downstairs. "...I really don't fucking know! You never did!" What the hell are they shouting about? Oh, wait! Zach's back, thank goodness.

I left my room and made my way downstairs. I was hurt that Zach betrayed me like that and most definitely wanted to have a talk with him, he needs to know that this is wrong and dangerous, but I know I need to check and stay calm with him if I want to find anything out. Shouting won't do any good, Jonah's the living proof of that.

I was almost reaching the stairs when I bumped into someone, Zach. "Wait, Zach!"

I tried grabbing his arm, but he ran away to his room.

"So, what's with all the shouting and that face?" I asked Jonah as I got to the living room where he was.


"Yeah, I saw him. More like bumped into him..." I chuckled trying to light the mood a bit. "I heard what he said..."

"I'm sorry..."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for not being there enough."

"Jonah, this isn't completely your fault. It is both of you faults. Zach is wrong in sneaking out and thinking is fine doing it. You, on the other hand, were wrong in leaving him home alone for so long while he was growing up. You can't blame him for sneaking out and thinking it's fine spending the night somewhere else without warning when this is what he saw growing up."

"But Corbyn, I'm an adult, the parent, I shouldn't be giving him satisfaction or ask him permission."

"You're right, you shouldn't ask him if you could or not go out, but you could and should've told him about where you were going and that you would be fine." I told him sitting next to him. "Have you ever tried talking to him, instead of yelling and aggressively arguing?"

"It's not like he would listen."

"The only way you can know that is by trying."

"Okay, I'll try it later. I think right now we both need to cool off."


-word count: 875-

A/N: This is probably one of the smallest one I've ever written, but i stopped here cause I wanted your opinion about it. I've got some ideas, but I want to hear what you have to say it as well before writting the next part. 

Since this was really small I'll prob update in 2 or 3 days the next part.

What do you think Jonah will do? Will he talk with Zach?

If yes ^, how will that go? And if no, why?

Is Corbyn going to talk with Zach?

What do you think it will happen next?

Sry for the small chapter again and I hope you liked :) 

Next chapter going to be bigger. 

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