-chapter fifteen-

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~chapter 15~

Phone call between Jack and Zach (they're facetiming btw)  // 3rd person

"Disneyland?!" Jack exclaimed happily through the phone.


"That's amazing babe!"

"Yeah, I don't know..."

"What don't you know? Aren't you excited? You love Disney movies; I thought you would be excited about going there, especially since this would be your first time."

"The problem isn't the place we are going by itself. The problem is... never mind."

"You are scared you are going to be left out." Jack guessed already knowing how his boyfriends mind worked.

"That too..."

"Tell me what's bothering you, Z, please, I wanna help."

"I feel that I not only will be left out but I'm also so scared that my brother will be disappointed once he actually meet me." Zach admitted looking down, don't daring looking to the camera on his computer.

"Why in the hell would he be disappointed in meeting you Zachary Dean Frantzich?! And don't you dare answer this by saying that you are a waste of space and oxygen!" Jack yelled smiling but still being deadly serious.

"Maybe he pictured me as one of those popular tall muscular athletes? Maybe he picture me as someone funny and with lots of friends, maybe-"

"You are funny when you want to be and you have me, my sisters, my family and yeah, I admit we don't have that many friends, but the number of friendships you have is way less important than the quality of the ones you have. It's impossible for someone to have a lot of equally balanced level of friendship with multiple people. There's always going to be someone you are closer to. And Zach you are beautiful! You are the most perfect thing in this world. And last but not least, why would he care that you are high and muscular? Like, I bet he prefer to have a kind and with an awesome personality brother, like you, to an arrogant jock brother. Besides, I forgot and I think you did too, hasn't he already seen you?" The Avery finished his little rant with a joking type of voice trying his best to make his boyfriend laugh.

"And what about the fact that I'll be left out?" Zach changed the topic knowing Jack would not give up in convincing him about how "perfect he is".

"I doubt you will be. I mean, why would he prefer talk and go to all of those attractions with his parents over someone near his age?"

"That kind of makes sense."

"See? Now c'mon, let's talk about important stuff. Listen very carefully to me." The Avery demanded in a deadly serious tone making Zach frown. "Grab a pen and a piece of paper."


"Just grab the damn pen and paper!"

"Okay, okay..."

"Write down: 'must go list'."


"Number one, Space Mountain, obviously."

"Okay, you completely forgot I'm scared of heights, right?" The Frantzich questioned after realizing where this was going.

"This fear of yours is staying at home tomorrow. Is Disneyland Zach. You are going to those rides, wanting or not! I'll fly my ass back to LA and carry you inside that rollercoaster if I have to." The Avery joked. "So, number two, pirates of Caribbean, classic. Number three, Splash Mountain; another must go obviously, remember to bring a change of clothes by the way. Number 4..."

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