-chapter twenty one-

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~chapter 21~

Daniel's P.O.V // their house // the following day

I almost didn't get any sleep last night. I was too excited... and nervous. Today is my first day in this new school, is the same Zach goes. At first, I was probably going to attend the same place dad got the job offer, but once dads got married, they asked me which one I'd rather going and I chose the public one.

My old school, used to be smaller than most schools, even though it was also a public one, but what made me choose this one to be honest was just me wanting to spend more time with Zach. He also got the option of transferring, but refused. I get him, if it was on me, I would not transfer schools ever again.

The truth is, even though I might be very outgoing around people, I always struggled in making new friends. I just don't know how to approach new people. In my old school, I used to be popular and had many friends, but I grew up with these people around me, we knew each other ever since we barely could talk! So it was different from now, I'm starting in a much bigger school, without knowing anyone – except from my brother who's in a different grade – and not having my dad teaching in the same building. But things will work out, right?

After a few minutes of overthinking and picturing everything that could go wrong and right today, I looked over the clock on my wall and it finally was time to get up. I directed myself to my closet, put on a pair of jeans, a green and white short-sleeved shirt plus my white vans. I styled my hair as usual and as I was finishing my dad walked inside the room, probably checking if I was already awake.

"Morning, angel." He (Corbyn) said coming over to me and kissing the top of my head. "You ready? You have 30 minutes to eat breakfast and go get the bus if you wanna arrive on time."

"Yeah, yeah. Just gimme a minute." I replied smiling.

"Okay. I already talked with your brother; he will show you where the bus stop is."

"Oh, ok."

"So... I also came by to wish you good luck and a good first day, you know us teachers have to get to school a little earlier than you students."

"Yeah, I know, bye. Have a good first day as well." I said finishing my hair and approaching him to hug him.

"Thank you. Now come on, you gotta put some food in this system if you wanna learn something today." He said to me messing with my hair, annoying me who spent the last 8 minutes trying to make it perfect.

Breakfast was delicious. Dad made the classic first day of school breakfast, blueberry pancakes with syrup and more berries on top! I ate with dada next to me, since dad had to rush to work and Zach still hadn't come down till the very last minute, just rushing to the door forgetting about eating something. I questioned him if he didn't want anything, but he alleged we were gonna miss the bus if we wasted anymore time. I grabbed my backpack and followed him to the bus stop, there was something different about him, and it was as if his whole personality changed. He was also wearing darker and different clothes from the ones I saw him wearing most days throughout summer.

"Hey, Zach, wait! You're going to fast!" I yelled at him seeing that he was around 25 feet's (7,62m) in front of me. "Is everything okay?" I asked once I reached him.

"Yes, Daniel! For the hundredth time, everything's fine! Now can you stop bugging me?" Ouch that hurts...

"Why are you acting like that?" I asked quietly.

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