-chapter eleven-

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~chapter 11~

Jonah's house // 7a.m from the following day // 3rd person

⚠ tw: panic attack ⚠

Today was the big day. Zach was finally meeting Corbyn. Jonah was almost done with packing and getting ready, and the 16 years old, was well... asleep. The father of the teen grabbed his stuff and left for his business trip, leaving his son a note on fridge saying where he had left the money for emergency.

It was around 9:30am when Zach woke up, surprised he had gotten any sleep. As soon as Jonah left on the previous day, the teen wasted no time in grabbing his stuff and heading to Jack's place, he needed to talk with someone. It was somewhat unreal how the Avery knew what his boyfriend needed. Summing everything up, after their talk, they watched a couple movies and cuddled all afternoon.

Corbyn was supposed to get there around 10am, Zach still had half an hour to get ready, but in all honest, all he wanted to do was to stay in bed messing on his phone and maybe texting Jack. Yes, he was excited and wanted to meet him, but his brain sure had to have other plans.

Zach's P.O.V

(A/N: the italic is like a dialog they are having in their heads – I hope that makes sense)

Okay... it's 10:01a.m, where's he?

10:03a.m, why am I surprised he isn't here... he obviously had better things to do.

10:05a.m, ding-dong! OH MY GOSH! Someone's here!

I ran to my bedroom window and looking down to the door trying to see who was there, and guess what I saw?? A brown haired man wearing an oversized pink hoodie and black jeans. Wait—is tha—oh my goddddd!

When everything turned so overwhelming? W-why's so hard to breathe? W-wh-what's hap-happening with m-me?

Suddenly, I could not stand up anymore, my legs were too jelly and my chest hurt so much. Breathing, something so simple also became something almost impossible to do. I fell on my bed and curled up on the corner trying my best to stead my breathing pattern.

Corbyn's P.OV

Zach was taking too long to open the door, so I just thought he was still asleep, I mean it's summer. I decided to open the door myself with the spare key Jonah told me he'd leave somewhere on the bush next to the front porch.

As I stepped inside, I immediately heard a thud coming from upstairs, immediately making my way up there. It wasn't hard to find where the thud came from since the more I walked up the stairs, the more noise I heard. It took me a few good seconds for me realize that this so said noise, it was someone's cries. Zach's cries.

I wasted no more time trying to find the room it was coming from, when I got to the right door, I hesitated to enter afraid to startle him. After a little bit of thinking I settled in knocking. No sound except the previous cries heard were, that was enough for me to step in. Let me tell you one thing, what I saw was definitely something I will not easily forget. My heart broke into pieces. My baby was there. He was so different from the last time I saw him. At the restaurant, he looked so happy and grown up, here he looks so fragile and small. He was shaking so much, all curled up in the corner of his bed.

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