Chapter 11

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Mabel gave Soos the tie and activated it.
„Oh-oh-oh! I'm a dancing dude! I got some fancy moves and a bad attitude!", Mabel sang and danced, Soos doing the exact same thing.

Mabel switched it off and Soos started sweating and panting.
„Ha! That's amazing!", Mabel cheered.
„Guys! Something weird just happened. I'm really freaked out!", Soos said and Mabel switched the tie on again.
„I am Soos-Tron! Watch me eat this pine cone!", Mabel said and mimicked eating a pine cone while Soos was actually eating one.

As she switched the tie out again, Soos collapsed onto the ground with his hands and knees while panting again.
„Mind control is awesome!", Mabel exclaimed.
„I don't know.. Soos looks pretty battered.."
„Oh my gosh! My life just flashed before my eyes! Aghh!", he panted.
I made a compassionate face.


Tyler was standing on a stump and held his stump speech.
"Education, get it. Prosperity, get it. A Gravity Falls we can be proud of, get iiiiit!", he said and the crowd clapped.

Stan looked at his tie with a questioning face.
"Ugh. Do I really have to wear this thing? It looks like a flag threw up on me."
"Grunkle Stan, just trust your lucky tie.", Mabel responded.

"And now, Stanford Pines!", Sheriff Blubs said and Stan was pushed onto the stage by Mabel.
"You're on, Grunkle Stan!", she said and put on the other tie.
"But just activate it if he's doing badly.", I said and she nodded.

"Hiya there! Stan Pines here. Let's get real. Do you think the women of Gravity Falls wear too much makeup?", Stan said entering through the curtains. I facepalmed myself.

"Jump in! jump in!", Dipper said and Mabel switched on the tie.
"Uh, what I meant to say was: you ladies all look great. And have you done something with your hair? Girl, you are working it!", Mabel and Stan said. I chuckled at the women approval.

"I'm Stan Pines. You may know me as the guy who accidentally let all those bees loose in that elementary school a few years back.", Mabel continued and Dipper quickly pulled the tie off of Mabel and put it on, gaining control of Stan.

"But I believe in things. America. Freedom. Ameri-freedom!", he said.
"Good! He's saying all the right things!", some guy in the crowd said tearing up.

"Like my opponent pointed out, I may not have a pretty face, but if you want a candidate that will listen to you, well, I'm proud to be all ears.", Dipper and Stan continued and Mabel snatched the tie back just to break dance.
The crowd cheered.

Mabel switches off the control and Stan came back scratching his head confused.
"Grunkle Stan, that was amazing!", Mabel said, hugging her great uncle.
"Yeah! How'd you do it, Mr. Pines?", Soos asked.
"Eh, I don't know. I just opened my mouth and spoke from the heart, or... gut, or something. And what is that sound? Why are people jamming their hands together?"
I laughed. "It's applause! Stan, they love you!", I smiled at him.

"They... love... me?", he asked, pushing back the curtains just to look at the still cheering crowd.

"There he is! Mr. Pines, can we get a picture?", Toby suddenly appeared.
We all posed for the picture. "Yes we Stan!"


"He's doing great. It's just that it don't feel right manipulating him.", I explained.
"Mhm. I understand your thinking, Y/N. But do you really think Stanley would win without your help?", Ford asked leaning at his desk with crossed arms.

"... no."
He chuckled. "But I suggest you're talking to the twins about that. I can't make a decision that you should make."
I nodded. „You're probably right... but anyways, today's the Election Day. Are you coming too?"
Ford shook his head. „No, I don't... I don't really like going into town. Also, the townspeople think Stanley is me.", he explained rolling his eyes at the end.
I giggled.
„Alright. But why aren't you coming upstairs to eat with us?", I asked.
„Oh no, it's okay, I still have cans of meat."

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