Chapter 3

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Today Mabel wanted me to meet her other friends Grenda and Candy. By what she told me, they sound really nice. She invited them to the Mystery Shack and I feel very sorry for Stan. I mean how many kids he has to look after then? 5? And poor Dipper... he basically hates when Mabel's friends are here and now he would be surrounded by 4 girls, including his sister. Well, it can't be helped.

But strangely he seemed not to upsest, which confused me. So I went and asked him. "Hey Dipper, you seem pretty happy for that Grenda and Candy are soon coming over."

He was in the kitchen and grabbed a huge amount of snacks and drinks. "Yeah, but I will be busy watching an entire 48-hour marathon of Ghost Harassers.", he happily responded. I didn't question it at all and only nodded. Just as Dipper stumbled into the living room, because he could barely see with all the snacks in his hands, the door rang.

"Coming!!", Mabel yelled and ran down the stairs. "Slow down Mabel! Before you-", I tried to warn her but it already happened. "fall...", I continued as she banged with the face onto the floor. There was a short silence which felt forever because Mabel didn't move. "Don't worry. That happens more often than you'd probably believe.", Dipper's bored voice came from the living room.

Just then Mabel jumped up again and continued sprinting towards the door. I stood there in shock. She just fell onto the wooden floor... with her god damn face. Okay this family is totally crazy.

I went to the door as well. There was standing a little girl with glasses and a bigger girl with a ponytail. "Hello! Nice to meet you two, I'm Y/N.", I greeted them, smiling. "Hello new friend!", the bigger girl suddenly spoke in a deep voice. If I couldn't see who spoke, I would say it was a man. "Hi! This is Grenda. Doesn't she just have a beautiful voice? My name is Candy.", the small girl named Candy spoke and shook my hand. "Yeah, Grenda your voice is kind of calming.", I smiled. "Thank you!"

"Oh oh! Guys did you hear about the Northwest party?", Mabel suddenly changed the subject as we walked inside. "Of course! There will be many snobs and people like us aren't welcome there.", Candy said. "Wait what?", I asked, confused. "Well- oh wait Dipper's at the TV, right?"

"Uh, yeah- woah!", I answered and Mabel suddenly pulled me with her. We stopped in the living room.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news", a man in the TV said. "Aww, what?", Dipper pouted. Mabel jumped into the armchair next to Dipper. "It's starting!", she said excited. "Turn it up!", Candy said. "Make room for Grenda!", Grenda yelled and jumped infront of all, breaking a lamp. I chuckled a bit.

"Well tonight's the night, but I've been out here for days! The Northwest family's annual high-society-shindig-ball-soiree is here! And even though common folk aren't let in, that doesn't stop us from camping out for a peek at the fanciness!", the man said again. There were a lot of people camping in front of a giant gate.

"Oooooooh!", Mabel, Candy and Grenda awed. "Okay, can someone please explain why people care about this?", Dipper asked. "Can someone please explain what's going on?", I added still confused.

"It's pretty much the best party of all time. Rich food, richer boys!", Grenda yelled amazed. "They say each gift basket has a live quail inside!", Mabel continued. Candy pawed at the TV and said: "Give me your life, Pacifica."

Dipper scoffed. "Guys, in case you've already forgotten, Pacifica Northwest is the worst.", he said, a knock on the door interrupting him. He got up to answer the door. "And that's not just jealousy talking. I'd say that to her face.", he said and answered the door. There was standing a blonde girl with sunglasses, wrapped in a scarf. She looked like she was under cover or something.

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