Chapter 22

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Still in shock, I sat there. Not moving for what seemed like a few minutes. My mouth was a bit opened and my eyes were widened.
My sight was tracing further right, where Stanford and Dipper were sitting. I gulped and opened my mouth to say something - but I was unable to form any words.
Quickly, I closed my mouth again.

„What just happened?", Mabel was the first to speak. I turned my head towards her, still dazed. The boys still kept quiet.
„I guess we did it...", I said. My voice was raspy. Like my throat was dry.
Stanford slowly nodded and cleared his throat.
„Since no one will probably believe us, if we told them about what we witnessed, we should perhaps keep this to ourselves.", he murmured.
I nodded in agreement.

Dipper looked at his clock. „Guys. It seemed like no time passed at all."
Ford was looking unbelievable. Mabel's look changed immediately as well. But she rather looked happy than anything else.
I choked on my own spit, which caused me to cough.
„What?", I asked with a high pitched voice and a few coughs following.

„Yeah, here, look.", he said scooping closer, showing me his wrist watch. It showed 11 am.
„I can't believe it. This is utterly impossible...", Stanford, who was looking over my shoulder, mumbled to himself.

„Welp, it happened so that's how it is.", Mabel said clapping her hands together.
„I'd say we forget all this and clean this mess up.", she continued and picked up some figures of the game.
If I'm not getting the wrong feeling, I'd say she's at least a bit traumatised as well.

Just as we were finished packing all the stuff back in the game, Stanley came down the stairs. He was yawning and rubbed his eyes.
„What are yall doing here? Playing a game?", he asked looking at the board game.
I eyed the game in my hands.
„We already did, actually. It was pretty boring though. So... I'm going to... throw it away?...", I said giving Ford a signal. He understood and nodded slowly.
„Absolutely. Yes. I'm gonna throw it away. And don't Even try it, it's not worth any money!", I yelled as I sprinted around the corner.

Shortly after I arrived in front of the vending machine, Ford walked towards me as well.
„So, what should we do with that thing? I wouldn't dare throwing it away. Someone could still find it somehow and get in there.", I explained.
Ford nodded. „Maybe it would be better if I'd keep it down in my lab with me."
„Probably.", I agreed.

There was a short pause, where both of us seemed to be in thoughts. I looked at the game in my hands and he looked to the side.
„Hey, uhm-", both of us started at the same time.
"Oh sorry-", we apologised again together.
The both of us began to chuckle. "Please, go ahead.", Ford then said, smiling kindly at me.

I gulped. "Right okay... Well, a lot of things happened in there and I'm... I'm really confused about how to feel.", I started.
Oh god. What was I saying?
"I understand.", Ford then suddenly said in a stern voice. I got startled and looked up at him.
"Really?", I asked confused, as I didn't even know what I was going to say myself.
The serious look on his face suddenly faded as quickly as it came and he smiled at me. Ford put both his hands on my shoulders. I stood there in awe.

"It's been complicated in there. I also know that you might have a lot of questions now. For example about the time where I was in the portal. I completely understand that. And I promise that I'll give you the answers you deserve."
I slightly blushed.
"But now is probably not the perfect time.", he said, flushing and pulling his hands back.
I smiled at him. "Thank you."

I handed him the game and he opened the vending machine.
Just as he wanted to step down I remembered.
Ford immediately turned around again with something shining in his eyes.
"What were you going to say earlier?"
He again formed this heart melting smile of his. "It's nothing. Nothing important."
I only nodded at his statement.

Ford walked down the stairs with the board game in his hands and slowly, the door between us closed. I just noticed that I held my breath and began to walk back into the living room. That was strange.

Stanford's point of view :

I arrived down the stairs and put the board game down onto my stuff with shaking hands. I was sweating a bit and I felt completely hot.
I can't believe I was so close to actually... telling her. How did that even happen?
I shook my head. No. No no no. I can't tell her. She doesn't see me the way I see her.

As long as I'm not even able to make out my feelings, I can't tell her. I'm not sure how I feel towards Y/N yet. Whenever she's around my mood brightens and I begin to feel all jittery.
She makes my heart race in my chest and my face heat up. But it can't possibly be...

Y/N's point of view :

After all this, we went to bed really early. Stan was really confused but didn't ask too much about it. And Ford didn't even come out of his lab this day again. Maybe he was already sleeping.


I was woken up by Mabel bouncing on my mattress.
"Mabel please... what time is it...", I groaned.
"Time to wake up!! We're going on a road trip!"
I immediately sat straight up. "What?"

A road trip? Didn't we have enough action lately?
"Aw man for real? I'm not really into road trips. All the bugs and... bug spray."
"Well, that's rather normal in a forest, no?", Dipper laughed.
I smiled. "But you get what I mean. Don't you guys think we could rest for at least one day? I'm literally still so tired."
"If you want you can stay here. It's not really a big deal. Ford is here too, I guess.", Mabel smiled.

I slightly blushed. Alone? With Ford? Nonononono!
I laughed and sat up, stretching. "Nah, it's okay. I'll come with you guys."
Mabel cheered.

We went out to see Stan and Soos packing all the things. Stan was humming.
"Nice. And don't forget bug spray! It's perfect for spraying in the face of hitchhikers.", he said.

"Ugh. Bug spray.", I groaned. "Why are we doing a road trip again?"

"Dude! It's the ultimate Oregon road trip adventure!", Soos said happily.
"More like revenge trip. Every year my tourist trap competitors prank the Mystery Shack. Last year those hooligans duct taped Soos to the ceiling.", Stan corrected him.
"That was a fun 78 hours."
"Well, no more!", Stan said, pulling out a map.
"This year we're visiting every tourist trap along the Redwood Highway, and I'm gonna prank back every single one."

"Ah-ha! I see where this is going. Nope, I'm out. I don't want to do literally anything criminal this time.", I said, holding my hands up.

"Aw come on. It's just a few pranks, Y/N.", Mabel tried.
I looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Stan. Mabel, it's Stan. Stan and pranking? For revenge?"
"Nah, she got a point, Mabel.", Dipper agreed.

"Anyhow, you can stay here kid. It's alright. You look pretty tired anyways-"
"Thanks.", I sarcastically said.
"-but then tell my brother to look after you while we're gone, k?"
I gulped. Right. I already forgot. I quickly nodded to hide my embarrassment.

They packed a few more things and then headed off. I stood there and waved, till I couldn't see their RV anymore.
I then let a relieved breath out of my mouth.
I never thought I'd have holidays in my holidays.

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