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Jolting up from her sleep turning her head back and forth before staring down at her bed, presented with Jeno laying there

That doesn't make sense, he wasn't there earlier, how? she thought in confusion pushing herself up from desk chair and stretching from sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

"Jeno?" she whispered cautiously shaking the male awake. He began to squirm before squinting his eyes open to adjust to the light

After a bit he realized where he was a sat right up in an instant staring down at his hands and the surroundings, "How? How did I get here? I thought I went back to the underworld?"

"We gotta find out why this is happening. It doesn't make sense.." he nodded as they got out from the room.


"It's been what, 4 days? Maybe it has to do with the length of time you've spent away from down below?" she threw the idea out

"But that wouldn't make sense, how would me being separated from hell trigger me to black out? There's no way right?" he gave a worried expression

"We have to figure out some correlation between everything" he nodded, "How about you check on that with someone in the underworld and I theorize and collage reasons in my journal?" 

He narrowed his eyes thinking about the plan, "I guess I could spend some time back down there, it does have most of my things either way." he stretched his arms before disappearing in a black smoke

Sighing audibly she closed her eyes, "I have work to do.."


The female boredly sat on her balcony, her legs in the gaps of the railing keeping her from falling. Her mom was busy complaining about everything and she decided she was not having any of it

Staring down at her phone screen she sighed, "This fucking sucks" she practically yelled leaning back and staring at the sky

A poke at her leg caught her off guard, making her shoot up and staring down to see the familiar blue haired male with his usual cheeky smile. She rolled her eyes and glared down at him

"What do you want Na." 

"You seem bored, wanna listen to music from my speaker?" he held up the simple black cylinder of a speaker in the air to show her

"If I can add songs to the queue." she held the bars to the railing staring down at the blue hair boy. He stood in a thinking position before looking up to her, "Perhaps"

Rolling her eyes she stood up stretching and hopped over the railing and dropping down landing on her feet as if it was nothing

"I'm never getting used to that" he laughed flipping his speaker easily with one hand, "What song do you want?" he pulled out his phone connecting it to the speaker

"A Car Going Nowhere. ESAE" stating simply sitting on the steps to the backdoor of the house. Quickly he typed it out and played it settling down the speaker on the bottom of the steps sitting next to her

"You have good taste Ahn." he grinned at her making her roll her eyes again, "You just have trash taste Na." she said coldly making him mutter a quiet 'Ouch' 

They sat there listening to the music run through as they continued to add more and more songs to the queue list, taking turns on adding

"Your mom was being annoying again huh?" he turned to her, she sighed nodding slightly, "It's tiring but I'll live. Her constant nagging can be quite.. Obnoxious per se" she leaned back slightly, supporting herself with her arms

Turning to the blue hair she asked a question as well, "Your mom told you to get out of your room again?" 

"She never liked me spending so much time there. It's not my fault she made me drop out of sports because she didn't want to buy me what I need or drive me to my games. Now she complains about me not being active." he rolled his eyes

The female scoffed, "What bullshit parents. They literally have the inability to do their jobs right." she stared down at her phone screen 

"The world is burning and yet here we are, two losers sitting next to each other talking about how shitty are parents are." she sighed making him gasp, "I am not a loser!" he defended making her give him an 'are you serious' look

"Okay I may be a loser, but girls swoon over me so definitely chad material" he smirked, "You are the virgin walk don't even deny it loser." she yawned

The queue list ended as they stood up, "Pretend this never happened alright loser Na?" she turned her head to him before climbing easily up the beams of the balcony and landing safely 

"When will she learn.." he sighed heading in to his house



is that filler chap i see? i died and had the inability to write a chapter but here we are with a filler chap

mcnd released crush today and i was not prepared and i have died so many times check it out it's a banger of a song

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