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Jeno was currently at his workplace 'Parallel', his coworkers rushing around the place as he sat in the breakroom

He knew what hour it was in the overworld and knew why everyone was rushing around. It was currently night time in the west side of the world

Meaning that demons under the active part of the sleep paralysis category had to get to work. He often had to work here even when it wasn't his shift to help

"Jeno! Kimsun needs some others to help her with something. She said that only the ones she requested for are needed so go, like, right now" one of the male employees in the higher branch of the building said with a cheeky grin

The male nodded as he rose from his seat and made his way to one of the highest employees in the building. The floor belonging to the most important aspects of the whole workplace 

He knocked politely, getting a response in return to enter. He opened the door and there were 3 people already there

"We'll wait for the ours to arrive so we can get started and such" Kimsun smiled as she signaled Jeno to take a seat in the various seats in the room

The tense air filling the room as the last people entered, "Now that we're all here I should explain why exactly you're here right?" some of the others hesitantly nodded

"Basically, we're promoting you! The team on this floor decided that you group of 10 have been doing very well ever since you joined the team, that means that the permanent pass will be easier to get after you've moved up"

The ten of them looked at each other in shock that this was happening, a lot of them had been working longer than the higher branch that was originally above them

"Of course you'll be staying under your categories but you'll be able to achieve perks in your job that makes it easier for you. A little thank you for working hard perhaps"

A few of them cheered silently while others reacted differently

"The movement department have already moved your things to your guy's dedicated floor. You'll all be working with each other more frequently so don't be shocked if you get assigned jobs together" she smiled and mentioned the small bits before she released them

Outside waiting for them was one of the higher ups on the floor who guided them to their respective floor. It was spacious than their original floor and wasn't obnoxiously loud

They thanked the senior and ended up conversing with each other since some of them had never met each other before

"Jeno, the others wanted to go celebrate for our promotion tonight, you down?" one of them asked, he gave an apologetic smile

"Sorry but I have my shift later tonight and I won't be able to attend" his tendency to speak over formally showed

"Ah that's too bad.. Couldn't you ask for your shift to be off tonight or later this week or..?" the other asked in hopes of persuading 

"I can't.. There isn't much of a reason for me to do so just because of come celebration. Just buy me lunch for tomorrow would be enough" he narrowed his eyes down to his boxed things

As the others continued to converse some had started to unpack in their working space, all of them separated by category and their preferred working space

He decided that he might as well unpack his things right now so it wouldn't be a hassle later on

He learned that his group of coworkers were varying in different skill sets, some more passionate in their work than others. Yet somehow the atmosphere around them just meshed

It felt so life changing letting his stress be lifted just a bit because his group just radiated this energy that was so empowering

Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing


As Jeno arrived in Mishil's bedroom he felt the atmosphere have an off. It was strange since it had never peaked like this before, even when she was sad

"Mishil?" he called out. No response, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Mishil are you there?"


Jeno.. a soft voice rung

"Is everything okay? What happened?"

Can you just.. Talk quietly for me.. I'm so.. Tired.. the softness of her voice made him concerned

"Do you want to talk about it?" he softened his voice

Everything aches so badly.. 

"Did you injure yourself?"

No.. Everything just hurts.. This is the worse..

"I'm sorry I can't help Mishil"

It's fine, I just need peace for a bit.. 

"I got promoted today" he smiled lightly

That's amazing Jeno she lacked a lot of enthusiastic that she normally did

"Do you just want to sleep Mishil?"

A quiet mumble of yes was audible. He smiled sadly, "I'll leave for you to sleep okay?"

Please don't leave..

"But you want to sleep..?"

Your voice is soothing

He blinked rapidly trying to process what was said, "Uh.. Okay.. Is there anything you want me to do?"

Can you just say random things, it doesn't have to make sense I just I wanna keep hearing your voice

For the rest of the time it was Jeno talking about random topics and quiet responses from the other

"I'm gonna go now okay Mishil?" he received no response back so he assumed it was his sign to leave




scopaesthesia 🌦 lee jenoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat