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It was one of the special days in which she doesn't meet with Minsoo in the morning, instead she meets with Seojun. It only really happened when she texts him to meet.

"Aren't you cold? The weather channel said it's gonna get colder later today, did you bring a jacket?" Seojun asked looking over to her

"Ah! That's what I forgot today! I should've double checked with my mom." she hit her palm on her forehead

A soft but warm object got draped on her shoulders. She then realized it was Seojun's jacket

"Isn't this yours? Aren't you gonna be cold?"

"A little coldness can't hurt me, you get sick easily while I can keep moving because I'm strong." he said with confidence before a soft laugh came from his mouth

She looked up at him with a judging face before smiling and putting on the jacket, it was way bigger than her frame, not to mention her being extremely petite. It almost covered her whole skirt and it gave her some sweater paws.

As they walked in silence she decided that this was the time

"Hey uhm.. Jun,  about what you said yesterday.. How did you even notice my uh 'habit' in the first place?" she had tugged on his sleeve

"Well, you know how I always ask you questions and stuff? I noticed how every time you were thinking of an answer you would pout. I kinda started to purposely ask you questions cause it was cute."

The petite girl paused mid step processing the information given to her. Seojun continued on his way, pausing and looking back to the girl

"Are you okay Mishil?" he asked

She hesitantly nodded and caught up with him watching to their high school


"Renjunnie~ come here and let me braid your hair." Minsoo called out to him, she was currently braiding her friend's hairs for whatever reason. Her dream was to own a salon, she was extremely talented and has cut her friends' hair numerous times.

"Ooooh" Haechan said as Renjun stood up and walked over in front of her

He sat on the ground on his phone as Minsoo proceeded to braid his hair.

"Renjun, why are you hanging out with them and not with the dream group?" a female in their class asked

"They disgust me." he said bluntly focusing on a game on his phone

"HEY! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!" Haechan got riled up while being help back by Jaemin. Of course this happened often and only made the class burst into little giggles and laughs

"Marvelous! Spectacular! One of my finest works" Minsoo put her hands in the hair dramatically after finishing Renjun's hair

It was a small french braid on the side of his head, she snapped a quick picture and them clapped excitedly 

"Woahh, Stylist Minsoo back at it again!" one of the guys in the class called out jokingly 

"Why of course." she flipped her hair, "Anyone who wants a haircut you better pay me!" she jokingly said while laughing

The door opened revealing Mr Seo, the class scrambled into their seats and greeted him

"Miss Lim has a cold today so I will be covering for today. So me being the coolest foreigner teacber, today will be a chill day."

Cheers erupted all around the room, they all liked having Mr Seo, so having him for a whole day? A miracle.

"Note, if you misbehave I'm taking out the thick english notebook that you guys have yet to witness since I've been saving it for bad classes." he smiled menacingly making the class immediately go silent

"Lets get on with class now."


Seojun was separated from the group getting drinks for them, he had sadly lost the game of rock paper scissors. They were all quietly giggling over the stories Mr Seo had told them about.

"Man I wish my dad dropped a rock on beans and made coffee for me." Minsoo said with her head leaning on her arm

"We all wish that, we all" Seolmi stated coolly

"Any plans for today?" Renjun asked sketching moomin in his decorated moomin notebook

"Oooh aren't you eager to hang out with us." Minsoo elbowed him lightly

"It's not like I have anything else to do."

"I heard of this cafe that just opened a few days ago" Mishil brought up the topic

"Really? What's the name of it?" Seolmi asked

"Candle Light Cafe, its got good reviews so far"

"Are we gonna check it out then?" Seojun asked setting down Mishil's drink in front of her and then putting the bag of drinks on the table

She stared down at the drink Why did he only put mine in front of me? she wondered. The rest reached out like hungry wolves for their drinks

"Anyways, yeah I'm not busy today so I should be free for the cafe"

"We could do a homework circle!" Minsoo grinned

"So it's settled, checking out the cafe it is" Renjun put his hands together




scopaesthesia 🌦 lee jenoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ