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"Jeno hyung? Are you good?" Chenle looked at the extremely stressed out male, he looked up to the dark haired younger, "Nothing too extreme, just some things I've been caught in"

The other raised an eyebrow, "It doesn't look like it's not 'too extreme' you look messed up." he spoke his truth, "Just.. Don't worry about it much okay? I've figured out some information and it's been messing with my head"

"What kind of information?" unsure of what the older meant, "You wouldn't understand it very much." he awkwardly smiled

Chenle nodded, "I won't push into your business but it sounds pretty interesting" the male laughed heading to his room. 


"Okay are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Minsoo looked at the two skeptically. A few minutes before the question had been asked Seojun had pulled Renjun onto his lap and back hugged the blonde

"We aren't" Renjun said out of panic as Seojun's cheerful mood went down immensely. The others looked at Seojun sympathetically after seeing his mood change.

"Is that mutual between both of you?" Mishil attempted watching as the blonde froze, he turned his head a bit to look at the male behind him almost unsure of the answer to the question.

Seojun inhaled deeply, "Can we talk?" he whispered getting a nod in response. They stood up and headed out of the room leaving the others worried about if everything would go well between them, "He's got this right?" Minsoo looked worryingly 

"Lets trust Jun that's he's got this okay?" Seolmi reassured to them.


The settled in a secluded area to speak, they sat there in silence neither wanting to make the first move. Seojun cleared his throat, "Uhm Renjun.. You're homosexual right?" he wanted to make sure that he got his facts straight before advancing 

"Where'd you hear that?" he rushed his words hoping that he didn't make it that obvious. "I've seen the way you look at people.. It's different when you look at the girls.. And when you look at me" he locked his eyes with the male watching shock fill his eyes

His mouth was agaped and he had no idea how to respond, "I-I.. I didn't want you to know.." he murmured ashamed for him to be so easy to read. "I know it's a really bad topic and controversial but I can't help it.. I can't fucking help it, please don't look at me weirdly-"

An embrace encased him the sudden movement leaving him tongue tied, "I would never think of you differently Renjun." 
"Renjun.. You're so oblivious" he chuckled as the blonde pushed himself off of the taller and looked up at him, "What do you mean oblivious? I'm older than you" he said obviously offended

"Renjun, you kinda awakened something in me.." he looked off avoiding eye contact. The older stood there in confusion, "What do you mean awaken?" the taller showed off his iconic smile as he still continued to stare in confusion

"I mean this" he leaned down and planted a kiss on the blonde's lips making him extremely flustered and off guard. The blonde proceeded to take his hand and cover his lips, looking down and then back up at the male repeatedly

"D-did you just?" there was an obvious 'no way' tone laced into his words. Seojun nodded, "Does that mean that y-you're?" he stuttered out. "I'm not as straight as I think I am? Yeah." his grinned proceeded to widen 

He let go of the male and walked a little back, his hands behind his back, "On that note. Will you go out with me Huang Renjun?" he raised an eyebrow awaiting the answer. "U-uh.. Yeah I'd really liked to.." he showed a smile 

An overwhelming feeling of joy filled him as he pulled the shorter into a hug, he felt. Complete for once in his life. Like he'd finally done something correct 


"Lets hang out in the morning okay Jeno?" the ash blue haired female offered the idea to the male, "I mean the week is ending soon so we should spend time hanging out right?" she grinned as he thought about before nodding

"Sounds good. I'll probably spend some time with my family later on the last day if you don't mind." he informed hoping there'd be no hard feelings. "Oh yeah not problem, it's your family and family come first unless they're dicks." 

"Lets hope nothing weird happens tonight."



it has taken YEARS to get this chapter out and most of it is filler, anyways double jun cannon now and i still don't know how the fuck i'll get mishil and jeno together and if i'll even make them get together

also i am very sorry that the reason for my procrastination was because i've been playing fps games/shooting games sooo ahah sorry for the long wait

oh and thank you for 2k

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