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Mishil sauntered into the class, more zombie like than anything. Her classmates looking in concern as she plopped into her seat, heavy eyebags showing under her eyes

"Mishil..? Are you okay?" Minsoo poked her arm to see if she'd react 

The zombie like girl continued to sit there unmoved, Seolmi and Minsoo exchanged looks before leaving it for now to not push it too much

Seojun entered the class and went to go to his seat, he saw Mishil's behaviour and looked over to the other 2 girls

They shrugged in response. Giving a concerned look he sat down and waited for Miss Lim to enter the class to start the day

After just a few minutes Seojun just couldn't sit still any longer, "Mishil, what's going on?" he turned to her

Her tired eyes slightly looked at Seojun, a shrug of her shoulders could be seen. He still didn't give up on it though, "Something bothering you? You know you can tell us anything"

"I don't want to bother you.." she murmured keeping her eyes locked to the ground

"Why would you be bothering us? We're friends we look out for each other right?" he questioned glancing at the other girls

"Meet at the spot" she softly said as Miss Lim had entered the classroom

The others understood immediately knowing it was serious


The other three at made their way to the spot that Mishil told them to meet at. It was an old abandoned playground that was barely beyond the school grounds

A petite girl settled at the creaking swing set that swayed slowly, "Mishil!" Minsoo called out as she rushed to her 

"Explain everything." Minsoo held her hands on both of the girl's shoulders, "If you're comfortable with it" Seojun budded in sitting down on the other swing 

"I had a nightmare.. A really bad one.. It kept me up all night after my sleep paralysis.." she explains shivering at the thought 

"Fuck your nightmares! They're the worse" Seolmi shook her head before getting hit in the arm by Minsoo

"What caused your nightmares this time?" Seojun asked staring at the girl on the swing

"Something that happened over the weekend... I don't feel comfortable mentioning it, sorry" her eyes met with Seojun, he simple flashed a smile

"Mishil it's okay you don't have to tell us" Minsoo back hugged the girl 

"It wasn't that bad right? Just remember you can tell us anything" Seolmi showed a small grin 

Mishil felt safe, she was reminded again that these were her best friends. She could trust them right?



lil filler chap because im dead inside

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