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"Hey Jeno, should I dye my hair?" she rested her head on her throwing pillow looking over to the male 

He thoughts long on the question, "I mean if you want to. Any colour you have in mind?"

She squeezed the pillow tighter trying to remember what colour that she liked the most, "I kinda liked ash blue, it's a pretty colour"

"Wanna go to a hair salon and get it dyed, not like we have anything else to do" he suggested

Mishil paused, "Bet."


"Oh my god I'm hot" she ran a hand through her hair in awe

"You look good in blue, nice pick." he praised

"Oh Minsoo is gonna freak the fuck out when she sees this," she shook her head watching her blue hair move around

"Understandable, I mean is this your first time dying your hair?"

"Yeah this is my first time. And I'm loving it oh my god" she patted her hair still not believing that it was her hair

He hummed nodding his head, "Anyways can we eat something, we went on without dinner"

She nodded and they headed to the kitchen. They ended up eating some cup noodles and stealing from each other

"Noo! Just a lil more" she whined, he moved his cup away giving a playful glare, "Focus on your own, let me eat I'm hungry"

"I'm hungry too!" she pouted sulking quietly. He rolled his eyes, "You have your own cup!"

The female stared down to the cup before making noises of distress again, "Pleaseee"

"No! Eat your own food! We made two for a reason!" he shook his head immensely slurping down on his noodles

She crossed her arms and sulked tracing a finger onto the table making noises of sadness every now and then

He peaked up every once and awhile before giving in, "Do you want the rest of my noodles? I'm done with it."

Her face lit up before nodding and taking it eagerly and consuming it immediately

"You could've made another cup"

"It'd be too much"

Silence over took them. They sat there still making intense eye contact with each other




i kinda have a christmas special idea for this fic but idk

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