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The two stood on the porch of the female's home, "You know, it's weird how you can know someone without really knowing someone right?" she looked over to the male

A faint smile formed on his face, "It's just how it's like. You can be friends with someone for only a few months yet it'll feel like decades." he closed his eyes letting the sun hit his skin

"This was a good week Jeno. Thank you." her smile flashed onto her face, "It was nice hanging out with you, even with the little issue from a few days ago" a chuckle emitted from her lips

"I'd been a long time since I visited anyone. And it made me confront my fear of my mom and brother hating me." he opened his eyes slowly

Comfortable silence emerged around the two as they watched the sun set, "I'll see you another night right?" her voice was soft interlocking her hands behind her

"Lets meet at the ice cream parlour again." he stated catching her off guard. She'd never taken him to an ice cream parlour in the time he'd been here

Looking over to the male she stared at him for a moment, "What do you mean.." she questioned still in a large state of confusion

He chuckled at her reaction, "I was guessing that you wouldn't have remembered. You're still as short as you were when we first ran into each other."

A memory flashed into her head from her childhood. Her mouth was agaped, "That was you?" she shrieked, surprised at the sudden arrival of the memory

"Lets go back there when we have time." he patted her head, heading off into the darkness before completely disappearing to the underworld

When we meet again


I know this was kinda a rushed ending if I'm being honest. But thank you so much for spending time to read this fic! Even though I've been very much despising it queing me to want to end it faster I hope you enjoyed it and my very very VERY bad ideas.

This was my first fic ever and it's finally met it's ending. I apologize if you were hoping for this to continue but I've officially ran out of motivation and ideas for this fic. If you could I hope you can support my other fics if you haven't already :)

signing off

scopaesthesia 🌦 lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now