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"Jun, do you ever think what would've happened if you never met me back then?" Mishil and Seojun were walking home as per usual

"Hm. I never really thought about it, I wouldn't be able to imagine a world without you." he smiled to the sky

"But aren't I holding you back? I mean I made you miss soccer tryouts just because I was sick. You could've be our school's star player!" 

He smiled and patted her head, "Your health means way more than some game." Mishil gave him a worried look, almost trying to explain something to him without words.

Is he being serious? It was his childhood dream to become a soccer player, isn't that more important than me?

She had a slight pout on her mouth, deep in thought. The other started to chuckle a bit, she looked over to him with a tilt of a head

"Why are you laughing?" she questioned

"Its just that you're in deep thought and you started pouting again as always. It's a cute habit"

She blinked rapidly in confusion, she never really realized that it was a habit she had. But it also made her wonder how many times she didn't realize the other staring at her.

As she was about to open her mouth and question him about it before getting cut off

"This is your stop, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" he smiled looking up at her peaceful home

"Oh.. Uh yeah thanks for walking me home again Jun." she returned the smile slowly walking up to the front door.

As she was about to insert the keys she glanced behind her watching Seojun walking off to his destination.


Mishil was working on an essay on her bed, her fingers moving around the keyboard typing various things. It wasn't a hard topic but her brain kept lingering back to Seojun

Did he really mean it? Why do I feel like I'm missing something.. Ahh this is too difficult!

She held her head in annoyance. The female was just so.. Conflicted. 

"Whatever! This is fine! This isn't even due tomorrow! Lets. Just. Sleep." she angrily said putting away her laptop and charging it alongside her phone.


The third person world was shown in front of her.

I wonder where Jeno is..

"I'm right here." the shadowy figure came out from the shadows to greet her wherever she was

"You seem.. Stressed? Are you alright?"

What the fuck how do you know?

"Demon powers, we sense emotions more, certain demons sense emotions better than others."

I- Okay then, uh but I guess I'm kinda stressed out with one of my best friends..

"Go ahead and tell the whole thing, I'd say I'm a pretty good listener." his static voice spoke sitting on the chair of her desk.

So basically, my childhood friend Seojun told me earlier when I was awake that I mattered more than his dream in life. I literally held him back from soccer tryouts because I was sick that day. And then he told me about this habit that I have when I'm deep in thought that I didn't even know about which makes me wonder how many times he's stared at me without noticing.

"Have you ever considered him.. More than friends?"

What why would I, he's my best friend, he's like my little brother! Well kinda, he just has that childish brother feel you know?

"Ouch that hurts and I don't even know him.." Jeno muttered 

What was that?

"Ah nothing important, don't worry about it" he chuckled

"Well, just stop thinking about it. Just ask him about it another time, just focus on what's important and if it continues to bother you.. Just tell him, I mean he's your best friend right?"

I guess you're right.. Well thanks I guess Jeno

"Yeah of course, its not like I can do much either way."

You know I thought demons were scary but you're like a soft marshmallow 

"You do know I could steal your soul out of your body like. Right now?"

Jeno, what the fuck.

"I'm just kidding! Don't get all grouchy."

What did you even do to become a demon? she was curious about his backstory

"Ah hmm. From what I can briefly remember from my previous life, I believe I was the one that killed my abusive father when he started hitting my older brother." 

Oh holy shit that's insane, but you did for a good cause though?

"Murder is still murder Mishil."

I guess so.. But you seem too nice to be a demon Jeno

"Perhaps, but I'm a demon and that's just that."

Jeno looked out to her bedroom's window, seeing the movement of the stars and the slightest fade of color.

"I must leave now, the world below awaits me."

See ya tonight Jeno!

"Yeah sure"

He disappeared in a whirl of gas. The third person world fading softly to the darkness.



she's so oblivious that it hurts

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