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The sunlight that leaked through the curtains blinded her as she awoken, she sat up getting used to the brightness of the room

As she adjusted it she rolled off her bed and went to go brush her teeth and change into some clothes for the day

As she looked down the long staircase she noticed a shadow of a figure she didn't recognize, her breath hitched, she quickly went to go get something to protect herself with

She just happened to have a cardboard pole from all her posters that was sturdy enough, she held it close to her and peaked into the living area

A tall male with chocolatey colored hair was stood there, reading a book? She quietly stalked behind and held up the pole before hitting the figure 

"Ouch!" the male called out touching the back of his head and turning around slightly

"Who the fuck are you!" she yelled, the adrenaline running through her veins

"Hey! Chill!" he said holding his hands up

"How the fuck did you get in?" she questioned

"Ah you probably don't recognize me since I'm not a bunch of smoke, and my voice is kinda.. You know" he awkwardly smiled, his prominent eye smiles showing

It took a few seconds for her to process what was told to her, "J-Jeno..?" she almost whispered

"Yes?" the male answered on instinct 

"HOLY SHIT IT'S YOU" she pointed her index finger at him. He only smiled, "So are we gonna do anything today?"

"Oh fuck I didn't uh- oh god uhm, uhm.." she panicked on the moment 

"We can just, do things you like, I haven't been on earth in my actual form in years, like when I died long"

She basically snapped her head towards him, "How long would that be?"

"I'd say the number is in double digits I believe" he thought long it

"We're taking you to explore right now, I'm gonna go change one more time and get my necessities" she stated before going back upstairs leaving a dumbfounded Jeno


The two were walking down the busy streets of the city, not minding all the people staring at them, when I mean 'at them' I mean at Jeno

She could see the interest, he was indeed handsome, but do they really have to stare so creepily..

"So uh, where are we going?" he asked very unsure on where they're going

"The arcade" she said quickly already getting excited to visit the place

"Ar.. cade?" he spoke in confusion, he never really had the time to go to arcades, so this would definitely be a first


After awhile of messing around in the arcade and ultimately stealing the arcade's whole supply of tickets 

They both learned that Jeno was decent at most of the games, and all the female employees are whipped for him

"Wanna get some ramen later tonight? Since ramen is always good at night" Mishil asked holding a fluffy seal plushy in her arms

"I mean do I really have a choice?" he mentioned, she was the one with money in this situation. 

"Ramen it is" she smiled

The quietness among them being ruled out with the footsteps of other people and the cars passing by

"Hey Jeno, are you bothered by all the girls staring at you at all?" she looked up to him

scopaesthesia 🌦 lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now