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Jeno arrived in the other world his body passing from the shadowy figure to a more solid figure. He stretched out his back and went to go check if his buddies were home

A light knock can be heard on a door before the creaking of it opening

"Oh hey Jeno, out on your job again?" a black haired male asked letting him inside to their shared home

"Yeah, I just finished up since the sun's almost up. What about you? You have the opportunity to travel and live up their" he settled on their couch and grabbed the book he had started

"I'll head there later, Jisung knows I wake up late so it won't be a problem." the male shrugged going back in front of the TV playing the game he was midway in

"You really need a better sleeping pattern Lele. Outside of the human world too, you're always sleeping late and it'll effect you heavily" Jeno shook his head knowing how the male sleeps at ungodly hours

"Don't say that like you don't stay all night reading your books bookworm" he snickered still mostly focused on the game

"You're getting cocky for someone younger than me, if Jun was here you'd be stuck the ceiling" he smoothly spoke

"Blah blah whatever NoJam" the male rolled his eyes 

The sound of their front door unlocking disturbed them, they both glanced over to see a familiar blonde male

"Hey Lele, hey Jeno" the male said taking off his shoes, his hair was messy and it looked like he just woke up

"What's up with you? You look way more tired than you usually do, and pale" the male on the ground pointed out

"Was at a sleepover, we watched a scary movie that I don't want to experience again and I was asleep 20 minutes ago" he went to go drop his stuff in his room before coming out and sitting on a beanbag chair

"Jeno, when are you getting paid?" the blonde asked looking at the other reading his book, "I'm getting paid tomorrow morning, I just have to stop by picking up the check, deposit it, and then I can handle some of our necessities." 

The blonde nodded now looking over at the male on the ground "What have you been doing after school?"

"Me, Jisung, Haechan, and Jaemin went to the mall for some clothes then we split and I went back here. Nothing really special" he shrugged 

"I'm heading to sleep, make sure to lock all the doors and turn off the lights." Jeno stated standing up and heading to his individual room

"Night" the two others called out 



aye we got an underworld pov 


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