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Jeno what is your workplace anyways?

"It's a place called 'Parallel', it's basically how I got set up as your demon" he explained

So if you didn't get this job.. You wouldn't be talking to me?

"Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how they pick who goes with who in my department." he narrowed his eyes knowing that there were definitely secrets that they weren't telling them

So it was pure coincidence that you became my demon?

"Probably" he shrugged

What if we knew each other in our past life, and you're now summoned to be my watcher as my past life friend

"But I only see you when you're asleep..?"

Same thing, same thing, it's basically the same

"Those are not the same things at all"

Just go along with it please


Do you think you'll be able to visit any time soon?

"Eager to see me suddenly?" he let out a low chuckle

Don't be so suddenly full of yourself! You're just cool so I want to hang out with you, you feel me?

"I.. Feel you? That's a weird term Mishil" he squinted his eyes

Damn are you that old that you think my terms are weird? How old even are you?

"I'm immortal"

That doesn't answer the question Jeno

He hummed slightly, "I think it does, I'm immortal and I don't age. I have no memory of my past life, so how am I suppose to answer your question?"

Well.. How old do you feel..?

"Feel wise, I feel like a pre adult, but I have no memory of my birthday, I know the date but the year is completely blind to me"

Pre adult.. So like me? I'm 20 you know

"You are? You feel like you're 15 or something"

Hey that's rude!

"I'm just saying" he raised his hands in a defensive way

They were both deep in thought, having no idea how to carry on the conversation.

Do you.. Ever regret killing your dad? Sorry if this is a sensitive question..

"It's alright. And, not really. I saved my brother from his hell and that's all I needed to do. I will never regret being able to free my mom and brother." he reminisced of his brother and mother

You.. You did a good thing, but had to pay the price.. she frowned looking upon the room

"Death was waiting for me anyways, so I sped up the process, and in the end I helped many people. I'd take that any day" a faint smile was plastered on his face

 I hope you're allowed to return to this world, and potentially meet your brother and mother again

"The only thing I worry about that is if they don't want anything to do with me, sadly" he let out a sigh

When the day comes, you got this! she cheerfully said hoping to cheer him up

"Thanks Mishil"

Of course Jeno


"Don't you think Seojun and Renjun have gotten.. Close..?" Minsoo looked over to Seojun seated on Renjun's desk and them chattering

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