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"I wish I could've protected you from the incident. I wish I could've been able to see you grow up instead of seeing you like this" she gave him a saddened smile

"Mom.." he quietly spoke unsure of what to say

"C-can you tell me more.. About the 'incident'?" he cautiously asked

"You don't remember? Hmm.. I suppose I can talk about it.. Taeyong! Can you make some tea for us two?" a yes came as a response from the kitchen

"Now.. Where should I start.. Ah, what do you remember before or after the incident?"

"I remember a bright light and then just being in extreme pain before passing out"

She nodded slowly before preparing for the long conversation, "You and your brother were coming back from the park after getting ice cream. It was late out and you guys were wearing dark clothes." she swallowed recapping everything

"Taeyong said that, the crossing light turned red but you weren't paying attention.. And that he couldn't stop you before you were already in the street.. He tried to calling for you but you ended up getting hit.. You were already gone before you could get treated.." she choked back sobs

He placed a hand on her hands, "I-I'm sorry mom.." she shook her head 

"Don't apologize.  You were young and finally able to go outside freely. I just wished I told you to watch out for the lights and such.."

The bleached haired male stood there frozen with the teacups, "M-mom, is that r-really Jeno..?"

She nodded with a smile reflecting Jeno's. He practically dashed to hug Jeno, the embrace tight and comforting 

He flinched for a second before hugging back, missing the feeling so much

"H-how are you even here?" Taeyong asked after releasing from the hug realizing how unrealistic this moment was

"It's a uh.. Complicated story.. But I was scared that you guys wouldn't believe me.."

"My younger brother is so tall and mature now oh my god" he put him in a light headlock ruffling his hair

He let out a sincere laugh, not having this much affection in a long time

"Now now boys. Lets enjoy some tea okay? Jeno, would you be willing to tell us more about you? Since this is the first time we're gonna be able to talk to you?" 

He nodded, his eye smile being prominent for once in his life. And thus they sat there meeting their late family member getting a chance to make memories in the limited time

"You better come back again!" Taeyong jokingly threatened as they waved him goodbye

Now it's time for the trip to Mishil's.. 


A knock on the door was heard from her room, I don't  I ordered something?

Looking through the peephole she gasped before opening the door, "Jeno?" she said in confusion

"Hi" he smiled still in a good mood

"Wait. You have an eye smile, woah" he laughed, "I'm just in a good mood right now"

"It's cold! Come inside, come on" she opened the door as he entered and took off his shoes

They ended up eating some food and conversing on any topics that they ended up on

"Honestly I kinda missed having company around since my friends have been really busy recently.. So I'm glad you're able to see you again"

He nodded resting his head on his palm, "You've at least been doing things to keep you entertained other than technology right?"

She awkwardly laughed before changing the subject, "But your family sounds nice. Though your brother's name sounds familiar"

He raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

She hummed, "I had a mate who met with someone every once and awhile to do busking. He's been busy in university so I wouldn't be able to tell you much about him other than the stuff he's done in high school"

"I see.. Well I don't know much about my brother so I can say much either"

"You're pretty cool Jeno




im on such a writing rush right now

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