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The school day had finally finished, and there stood the group of 4 at the gate waiting for a specific male. 

Meanwhile the blonde that they were seeking was desperately trying to hide and move quickly to not get noticed by the group. Which ended up failing as Jaemin called out his name

"Renjun! What are you doing?" Jaemin yelled 

Renjun flinched and looked back giving Jaemin a distressed face, his group of friends extremely confused. The group that was waiting for him immediately dashed over to him, grabbed him by the arms and dragged him along.


"So you kidnapped me, dragged me down 3 blocks, nearly got me ran over when we crossed the street, just so we could be sitting here," Renjun said sipping on a lemon yoghurt smoothie

"Uh yeah that was kinda the whole point." Minsoo spoke with a 'duh' tone

As they continued to converse Mishil felt really paranoid for some reason. She looked around the cafe, scanning the other customers that all were busy in their own worlds

"Mishil are you okay?" Seojun asked with a tilted head, the others didn't seem to notice as they were busy in their own conversation

She nodded hesitantly with a small smile. Seojun returned the smile and looked away, not seeing that she had started to nibble on her bottom lip.

She tried to focus on her drink, taking a sip and hoping that its sweetness would distract her. It failed to make her eyes divert from the fact that she could've swore she has a shadow figure out of the corner of her eyes.

Her breath started to get slightly shaky. The situation was foreign to her, causing alarms to set off in her head.

"Mishil are you alright?" Minsoo called out to her

She hadn't noticed that anyone had talked to her at all, all noise had cancelled out as her thoughts filled our mind. The continuous storm that swirled around her made it hard to hear out her friends calls until she felt a shake on her shoulder

"Mishil! Hey are you alright?" Seojun had a worried expression on his face, he was  slightly leaned down to look directly into her eyes.

"U-uhm yeah, I just kinda spaced out you know?" she gave an awkward chuckle

"But you were breathing really shakily.." he murmured

The others looked at her in concern, even though Renjun doesn't really know them well enough he still showed deep concerned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, no need to worry" she gave a small smile

Minsoo, Seolmi, and Renjun shrugged it off while Seojun gave a suspicious look. They went back into their conversations, almost forgetting what had happened.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Seojun whispered

She nodded, she never really liked putting her problems onto others and just hoped they'd forget about it


As usual Seojun dropped Mishil at her home, a wave was exchanged before both parted ways

After the petite female changed out of her school clothes she plopped directly on her bed. Staring directly at the ceiling she wonders about what she saw, the questions and the theories she had as she laid there. It continued on until she had shortly fallen into slumber



i wonder what she saw 👀

scopaesthesia 🌦 lee jenoWhere stories live. Discover now