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The petite female awoken from her slumber, she slipped on her slippers and stood in front of her full length mirror. She gazed at her eyebags that had developed over the years. As she started to get ready, she glanced over to her full length mirror. A tall shadowy figure was shown in the mirror. 


She stuttered out, she hoped that it was Jeno but she had no one of telling. The figure seemed to put their pointer finger up to their lips before a hushed Shhhh.. was sounded.

A shiver was sent down her spine, and she swore she felt a sudden chill. She grabbed her bag and jacket, stuffing everything she needed into her bag and pockets, she headed out. 


The gates of the school appeared in the distance, Minsoo was stood waiting for her as per usual with her little brother that she didn't forget to bring with her. 

"Goodmorning Minsoo, hello there Jisung." she showed a small smile

She was brought into a tight hug with the other female and an awkward wave from the younger

"Noona, can I go now? Chenle and me are suppose to meet this morning because we lost a game with hyungs" Jisung stated playing around with the sleeves of his hoodie

Minsoo rolled her eyes and shooed him off, he smiled quickly before rushing off in a hurry

"We should head in too right? If we don't we might find a dead Jun in his seat." Mishil mentioned, they agreed and both started walking inside with linked arms


Seojun and Minsoo were playing a quick hand game with each other, Seolmi and Mishil watching carefully to see who would win. It was a quick time passer and the game was almost done if a certain someone didn't crash in midway

"Hellooo, what are you guys doing?" an 'innocent' Jaemin with his superior grin said

"Are you fucking serious.. They were almost done!" Seolmi groaned in anger

"Why are you yelling at me? What did I do?" Jaemin gasped out dramatically

"Everything Na. Everything" Mishil put her face in her hands in disappointment

Jaemin gave the most confused face, he seriously didn't know what he did wrong. They all looked bummed out and it didn't really make sense to him since they were playing a hand game. 

"Well Na, what are you doing here? Have you come to question us about your guys' art god of a friend?" Seojun questioned, slightly leaning in to where Jaemin was stood

"Can't I converse with fellow classmates?" Jaemin gave a cheeky smile towards the very unamused group

"Okay fine! I wanted to see what Mr Renjunnie found interesting in your little weird group"

They started giggling like weirdos, "You should head to your seat before Miss Lim wacks you with her notebook." Minsoo mentioned

As that was said the sudden sliding of the classroom door was heard, everyone wasn't in their seats quickly hurried around.


"Remember class, today Mister Seo will be coming by after lunch for your english lesson. Please, do not make Mister Seo go off topic again. He talked about how sexy Mister Jung's hair was last time and I honestly do not know how you guys got him on that topic."

Miss Lim sighed heavily as the class bursted into giggles. She made everyone promise they wouldn't do it again which resulted in an answer of "Yes" and "Okay"

She excused everyone in the class as they hurried out, the group grabbing Renjun by the arm however. 

"Slow down there Mister Art God, if you're going to be our friend you're walking to lunch with us." Minsoo mentioned as Seojun lung his arm around Renjun's shoulder

"Try not to grab attention with your group's gossip girls, they're genuinely annoying." Seojun gave a light smile as they all walked to lunch


"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"AHA SUCK IT BLONDIE" Seolmi grinned happily

The others cheered in happiness as Renjun had his head on the lunch table in defeat. Seojun patted Renjun's back lightly feeling the pain but having overwhelming happiness that he didn't lose that time.

As Renjun sulked all the way to the vending machine, they had their friend at the lunch table.

"If the sun burns everything in its path why the fuck has Lee Felix not burned down this building?"

"Because he embodies a small percentage of the sun's rays, it's like how Haechan is also the alleged 'Fullsun' but he hasn't burned down the school"

"Even the smallest of the sun's rays could destroy the fucking earth are you guys dumb?"

"Only Jun"


"Its dumb and dumber I swear.."

"Go dumb and dumber, dum dum dum dum dum-"

"Whats going on..?" Renjun asked with drinks in his hands

The group quickly grabbed their representative drink. No context was given to Renjun for a hot 6 seconds.

"Okay so like, basically Jun and Minsoo were arguing over the embodiments of the sun in our school for whatever reason. And their dumbasses thought that even the smallest amount of the sun's rays wouldn't destroy the world." Seolmi explained quickly

An "ohh" came from Renjun's mouth. An also very confused and "are you serious" expression was directed towards Seojun and Minsoo

"This group is hopeless"

Renjun said with a sigh as Mishil and Seolmi aggressively nodded



this chapter was 98% crack

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