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The petite female jolted up from her sleep, her muscles aching from the sudden pain. She slowly got off her bed and got ready for the day

It was unlike any other day, for the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining? It was an autumn morning and it was nice out?

Even with the nice sky she planned on wearing her jacket to school, it was better being safe than sorry

Her path to the school was strangely uneventful, it was weird since something usually popped up on peaceful days like that

Shrugging it off she continued on into the school as she rushed up to her classroom

"Mishil you seem awfully happy today..? Something good happen?" Minsoo perked an eyebrow up. She shrugged, "Nothing happened, it's been really weird this morning.."

"I don't feel anything off.. Do you feel something weird Seol?" she shook her head

"Maybe it's your lucky day?" Minsoo poked her lightly with her elbow, "Highly doubt it.. Definitely something sketchy gonna happen"

"So negative, you should be more care free, just enjoy the nice day for as long as it exists" Minsoo pointed a thumbs up to her, "You got our approval to enjoy the day"

"Why do I need to get your approval?"

"Because we all know that you aren't gonna do anything by yourself even if it was the last thing you needed to do"



"You've been going up here often" a low voice murmured sitting next to her, "It's nice out here, I like to enjoy it"

"I guess it really is nice here. You have a good eye Mishil" he praised making her smile a bit, "I wouldn't say so.. It's easy to spot something amazing on the first look"

"You should give yourself credit," 

"There isn't a reason for me to Jun. Anyone could tell that this view is great."

They sat there peacefully, the time passing by slowly around them. 

"Don't you feel uncomfortable sitting with me? I rejected your feelings.."

"I'd get over it anyways, you're still my best friend, one rejection isn't gonna stop our friendship right?"

She stared at him in admiration, he was always so positive, it was so.. Strange. How did he mange to keep hanging out with her no matter how bad she was

"Aren't you gonna get tired of me one day?"

"There's absolutely no reason for me to get tired of you. My friends power me, you're my greatest battery you know?"

"Battery.." she murmured playing with the hem of her skirt. It felt like his confession never happened. Why was it stuck in her head? Why was he just fine with this

"Are you uncomfortable? I can leave if you wa-"

"Don't, I'm fine, don't worry" she gave him a small smile

He nodded skeptically, "Well if you ever feel uncomfortable just let me know okay? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable"

"How are you so pure what the fuc-" her eyebrows furrowed. He gave out a cheery laugh, "I'm just looking out for everyone"

A small smile grew on her face watching him laugh. It was nice knowing she had someone like him, even if she took him for granted for a period of time

"We're in this together right Mishil?"

"Yeah, together"



if you want an explanation on why updates have been slow:

aim labs
aim labs



aim labs

ftb revelations 

did i already say aim labs?

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