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"Mishil.." a quiet voiced call out, it felt so familiar but also nothing she had ever heard before. She slightly bit her lip in worry as she kept walked trying to ignore

"Can you hear me..?" it called again. A wisp of smoke passed by her making her flinch, her eyes widening out of instinct 

"You can see..? Me..? Why can't you.." its incoherent words put Mishil into a spiral of confusion. She sucked in air before continuing to walk acting like nothing happened

"I will find you.. I always.. I always.." it muttered creeping behind her, following her route

Her jaw clenched in fear, how much longer can she ignore it? She finally spotted the sign for her block, a small smile appeared until she noticed that the footsteps had stopped

"W-what..? Why won't.. Barrier..? Who..?" the figure was stuck, they couldn't move any further. What barrier? There's nothing there, she thought staring at the figure struggling

After a few moments she turned back around and continued walking to her home. It was a strange encountered that she wished to not experience

The uncomfortableness from the one-sided interaction made her sick, anxious really. Who was that figure anyways?


A light tapping was heard in a pattern, each tap barely audible than the last. She was, stuck. It was around 9:47pm and she could barely make it through the first few questions of her homework

How did Seolmi do this so consistently in 25 minutes? It almost felt impossible to do, and she's been sitting there for more than a hour

She let out a groan of annoyance slamming her pencil onto her notebook. She was sick of it, leaning back she thought back to the figure from earlier

Why did their voice sound so familiar? She wondered, it was nothing like anyone in her life, not even Jeno's. So who was it

"Maybe a past life friend? Maybe someone from my childhood? Gosh I can't even remember my childhood clearly.." she voiced out thinking hard on the topic

She picked up her pencil again, lightly sketching a figure into spare paper she had on her desk. The sketch was identical to the figure from earlier

Tilting her head she leaned in closer trying to get a better look, "It feels so.. Familiar? Who are you figure?" a squint laid onto her face

Another question entered her mind, "Why did it mention a barrier? How would a barrier even make it into the human world.."

"I gotta ask Jeno on this, he would know right? If he doesn't I don't know what I'll do.." she stretched her arms out before leaving her cozy room


bonus content, skip if you'd like!

"You've been drawing moomin for 3 weeks straight, do you have ANYTHING else to do?" he shook his head kicking his heel against the bar of the other's desk

"Well I have absolutely no inspiration as an artist so I have to make do somehow" the other continued drawing, his eyes never leaving the paper

"At least pay attention to me when you're talking" he pouted staring at him with puppy eyes

The blonde male slowly looked up to the other flinching at how the other was staring at him, his heart accelerating. The air out of his lungs leaving him

 "Renjun? You okay?" he waved a hand in front of the blonde's face, "Helloo" he called again

A gasp for air emitted from the other before intense choking from the lack of breathing. He patted the back of the older

"Did you travel into another universe and forget to breath?" he slightly laughed at his comment

"I was just.. Caught off guard, don't worry." he gave a shy smile

The younger nodded understandingly

"So we're gonna drop by the convenience store, pick up my clothes from my place, head over to yours, and potentially force each others to do the other's hobby" he listed off

"Sounds good to me, but do we have to do the last thing, you know I have no artistic creativity"

"Didn't you want to teach me how to play soccer but I denied multiple times?"

He was put into silence, "Fair play"



no context 

i need studio version of actor from onewe

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