13. It Feels Good

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|Aisha's P.V.O|

All of us were passing glances to each other, but none of us had the courage to break the ice that had momentarily set in.

"Would somebody explain me something?" Ayan said in a dangerously calm voice and that made shivers run down my spine

I did not have even an iota of  idea that my best friend's voice could scare me off.

I , very nervously, started off, " Actually this was my plan and Viaan just gave into it on my constant nagging. I knew about your feelings and I knew about hers too , so I thought of helping you people because knowing both of you, none of you would have taken the initial step."

" You could have atleast given me a hint Aishi. I wanted this to be special for her as well as for me and not in this way for sure. And speaking of feelings, I knew what was going on in that pretty little mind of hers." He said, now in actually calmer tone.

"How in the world, did you know what I was thinking?" exclaimed Sanju

" Lets just say , I have my sources."  he said, smiling ear to ear.

"And lets just say, you are too full of yourself." Sanjana said, rolling her eyes off and with that started their bickering.

" Guys!" Viaan literally screamed. " Do you people realize that you have just confessed something about each other and now you are fighting like two insane people." he said in comparatively lower decible.

"Well, you cannot change the foundation of a relationship, can you?" Ayan said, passing a wink in Sanju's direction and Sanjana just shied away.

What was that!!she wasn't that shy ever!

"Guys! I agree you both like each other and all that stuff, but let me make myself very fucking clear, I possess no desire to watch you people going all mushy and flirty with each other when all of us are together. Please guys, just remember, your friends are still those irritating single asses and we want you to have some mercy on us."  I said

"Are you sure you are single?" asked Rashi teasingly and eyeing Viaan.

Not again God, one full blown teasing session is all I can handle in a single  day.

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Apparently, Viaan had agreed to drop me off though his house was almost down the street. And that's not it, we decided to ditch the autorickshaw and walk down 2 straight kilometres and I was surely regretting the decision now when we have not crossed even 1 km.

" Viaan, I am tired yaar."

" So am I . But it was your brilliant idea to ditch the rickshaw and not mine. So you've got no right to complaint." He said, while keeping up his pace of walking.

" What? I am a human being and I have every right to complain."

"Just saying, right to complain is not counted in fundamental rights of India, and anyway, there's no relation between being a human and being able to complain."

"Whatever Viaan" I said rolling my eyes. " I am asking you a simple question which has a simple answer. Are you tired or not?"

"I am, but lets just get you home fast and then probably sit down calmly?" He said or probably questioned.

"Not happening. I have no energy, but I do have an idea. Lets go, sit in some cafe , rest for like 5 minutes and leave."

"And leave without ordering anything? won't that be weird?"

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