7. Figuring it out

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|Aisha's P.V.O.|

It was a hot and sweaty afternoon with sun blazing in its full glory. I wanted nothing but to lie flat on my bed in my pjs ,but alas! life does not always gives you what you want,  right?. 

I had some unfinished work for the day here and that was,  giving Ayan a piece of my mind . Leaning against my two wheeler, taking a glance at the clock every two minutes I was waiting for him patiently in the parking. I had already bid adieu to rest of them.

"Hi, I am sorry" he said finally stopping just in front of me and puffing

"Oh, Thank you for making me wait for 15 whole minutes. Grateful to you, my dear."

" What do I do, that Sharma ma'am was not ready to leave me. It seemed she had prepared a special lecture just for me." Ayan said, tiredness evident in his voice.

"Ok fine, Do you want to talk here or take a bench in the garden?" I asked

Frankly I was hoping he would say here, because man, I did not have the energy to go to the garden and sit. It was a draining day after all.

"Here" he said

Now I understand why am I friends with him for such a long time now.

" Umm tell me how long it has been to our friendship?

" We have know each other since our diaper days Aishi, Its been 16 years. But why do you ask?" he questioned

"And since how many years have you known Sanjana?"

"Ummm 12 years now, but why do you ask....wait, wait a second, I think I know where this is coming from." he said

" Care to explain?"

" I am sure Sanjana said something to you about that notebook fiasco. I knew it, I so knew it." he said with a sigh

"Ayan , its been 12 years that you  both know each other now, and whether you agree to this or not, you both have been amazing friends to each other. Then why the hell do you keep on troubling her right till the point where her patience nearly breaks?  I know both of you are capable enough to sort out matters among yourself, but yet I intervined this time because frankly I feel its enough. How am I suppose to keep mum when I see both my best friends troubling each other for no reason in particular?"

A small smile was playing on his lips while I was talking.

"I know what you are thinking Aishi, and I very well get it... but lets just say that I love that irritated look on her face when it comes just because of me. I love all that her face shows when she is all riled up only because of me. I love the fact that I have the ability to get on to her nerves without doing much." he said and now I was hell confused.

Could he even hear what he was saying? Cut hearing, was  his brain even able to register what he was saying or was it just that he was blabbering anything.

"Ayan are you in your senses? Do you mean to say that you like annoying her? Are you serious?  Why would you do that? Are you -"

"Shhhh, would you give me a chance to explain myself or you want to continue with your question express?" he said a bit too loudly , cutting me in between

"Oh!Sorry. Please  enlighten me with your explanation as to why do you even pull up those stunts on her."

"I am helping her to stand up for herself. " he said

"What does that even mean? Ayan you and I both know she stands up for herself whenever there is a need to do so. She is strong as a person and knows what are her rights.Atleast come up with something realistic." I said with exasperation

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