6. New admission

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|Aisha's P.V.O|

Birds were chirping and light breeze was hitting my face. It had drizzled the entire night and perhaps now it had ceized. It was 6 in the morning and I was standing in the balcony of my room  witnessing relatively silent atmosphere outside, which would be filled with honking and traffic within the span of an hour. The fragrance of coffee that was in my mug and  that of wet mud , mixed together were messing with my senses.

It had been just 5 days that classes for 11th standard had begun and they had already given us our first assignment , and today being the deadline, I had to complete it anyhow, hence I was awake since 4:30 in the morning. Wrapping my fingers around the cup, I let the warmth spread in my body , sipping in a bit of coffee.

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I had got ready in record time after my 'me' session in the balcony and was now  parking my vehicle in the school parking allotted for students. Yup, I have a learning license and the school has no problem if  the students commute to school through their own vehicles , if they had a licence.

Walking towards the building, lost in my thoughts, I bumped into him.

"I am sorry." I apologized

"Sleep walking Singhania?" he asked

"Hehe very funny" I replied, rolling my eyes

"Truth hurts,  Aisha." he said with an innocent smile

" Can't help if you want to assume that as the truth, Viaan."

And with that  we reached our classroom , putting an end to that nonsensical banter of ours. Viaan was the new admission in our school, and that I had discovered on the very first day when we bumped into each other ,right at the class entrance. 

"Aishi" Sanju screamed, while running towards me , when I was about to enter my class, bringing me back to earth

"What is wrong with you? Why are you screaming early in the morning in the middle of the lobby?"

"Listen Aisha, I am telling you to warn that best friend of yours. If he messes with me again, I won't think twice before plotting a murder plan for him." she said with anger evident in her voice

"What did he do now?" I asked with a sigh. Its been so many years of friendship and still they both don't seem to adapt to each other's behaviour. Sometimes Ayan creates trouble, and sometimes its Sanjana. I am so done with their hopeless fights, I tell you.

"He hid my notebook which had to be submitted, right before the class began, and because of that idiotic male species, I had to stand outside for an entire duration of 45 minutes, and it does not end here. The nerve of that man, he said it was fun watching me going out of the class. I am telling you I will kill him someday." and with that being said, she stormed towards her class and I entered my class, taking my seat besides Rashi.

Viaan, Rashi and I were in the same class because all three of us had chosen science, whereas Ayan, Advik and Sanjana were in the next section.

"Why are you sulking early in the morning?" Rashi asked

"How can I not sulk when these two idiots have started their silly banters all over again. They were sober during the trip, I thought that god had blessed both of them with some brains, but seems like the opposite has happened."

"Whose fault it was this time?" Rashi asked curiously

"Ayan" I replied hurriedly because ma'am had entered the class and was about to start teaching us.

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