5. Results are out

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|Third person P.V.O|

The curtains were open, so passing through the balcony door, sunlight peeped into her room . She turned towards the other side , blocking the sunlight from reaching her eyes. 

"Aishi, if you do not wake up in the count of 10, I'll make sure you are given a bath, right in your bed." scolded her mom

Jerking up suddenly, she said "I am up maa."

"Good, get ready and come for breakfast. It is 10 in the morning already and I have to leave for work."

"Aye aye captain" she mocked a salute towards her mother and very lazily got  out from her comfy bed.

Its been four days since they had returned from their camping expenditure .All of them had enjoyed and learnt so much there, gained so many experiences that would help them in their future. They had witnessed the mighty mountains and had seen the fierce flow of water in the rivers. They had learnt what was it like to stay in the lap of nature , without actually polluting it and with less resources yet be satisfied.

Also the bond between Sanjana, Ayan, Rashi, Advik and Aisha had grown stronger within the previous week. They had also made new friends with Palak, Dharmi, Nilay , Vedant and Viaan. In a nutshell they all had a wonderful experience that would stay with them for a life time.

"And the princess of the house finally graces  us with her presence." Virat said dramatically

"Sorry, I overslept, but I was tried ." Aisha quickly came up with an excuse.

"Tired since last four days. Nice excuse." Virat said with sarcasm

Aisha had been sleeping for much more time than required, after she had come back from the trek and when she would be questioned why was it so, then the only anwer would be that she was tired. Now that her trick was caught, she had to comeup with a new reason real quick.

"Bhai ,my summer break is going on." she whinned  "Atleast let me sleep now, once the school reopens I'll be buried under books again."

Meanwhile, Dr.Singhania, Aisha's dad was having his breakfast silently with a smile playing on his face that had grew up witnessing the banter between the brother sister duo. Clearing his throat he said,
"Today is 2nd of June."

"Oh" Aishi said while eating her breakfast and then suddenly the realisation dawned upon her , "Fuck! today is 2nd June. My results would be out today." she exclaimed.

"Language young lady." her mother said while sitting down on the chair.

"Sorry" she mumbled "But my results will be out by what? " glancing at the wall clock she continued " by 2 in the afternoon.Oh god oh god will I pass? Will I score good marks?" and there, she boarded her train of self doubt.

"Calm down doll , you will score good marks. Atlast you have studied so hard. Offcourse your hardwork will bear fruits." He said with a smile "And even if you do not score as much as you have expected , we will always stand by you." he said supporting his daughter.

"But she won't score marks better than me." Virat said with a small smirk playing on his lips

"Stop irritating my daughter, Vir." Mrs. Singhania said

"I bet I will score marks better than you" Aisha said suddenly gaining confidence from all the support that her parents were showing in her.

"Ok we will see." Virat said with a cheeky smile.

"Ok children, we both are off to work now. As soon as the result comes, call us .We both would be together." saying this the Singhania couple made their way to work.

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