12. Cupid(s)'s play

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Just so you know, starting and ending of a conversation over texts is denoted by **
I hope you enjoy the chapter.
|Aisha's P.V.O|

It was afternoon but the weather was at its best. It had just rained and the streets were all wet as of now. There was moisture in the air and the wind was gently blowing across making the leaves of the surrounding trees sway and dance on its tune. The sky which was gravel - grey sometime ago was returning back to its beautiful cocktail-blue shade.

I was lying back on my bed under the warm duvet , stifling back a yawn. The air had grown a bit cold post the drizzle session.

Founder's day had been a huge success and our director was so happy with all performances and arrangements that she granted us a holiday saying we too needed rest.  And because of the holiday, the plan that Viaan had hatched became more easy to execute.

Right now I was waiting for Sanju's reply to my message asking her if all of us could meet at her house. She had asked why but I had just dismissed her saying that we all had no time to catch up with each other due to preparation going on and hence the plan. As if on cue, the phone vibrated.


I so agree. Comeover, we'll have so much to talk about *wink*

I get the pun Sanju.

Okay! At what time do we meet?

Around 4ish?

Yup that sounds good to me. You inform Rashi and Advik, I'll inform Ayan and Viaan.

Okay done. See ya soon.
The moment I was done talking to her, I pinged Rashi and Advik saying that the plan was on and when Sanju would message them to comeover, they'll reply back in possitive.

Next in queue was Viaan.


Step 1 successful.

Great . Now you know how to get that lover boy to her house.  Just go according to what I told you and do not say anything which you won't be able to cover up because we'll know you can be a pathetic liar at times.

Shut up. I know how to lie . Anyways , on step 2 right now.


After  the conversation with
Mr. oh-so-full-of-himself  I dropped a message to Ayan.

I was wondering if you were free today evening?

Not really. Why do you ask?

Ummm.. actually we were thinking of visiting Sanju. She isn't doing well since yesterday.

When are you guys going?

Sense the change of tone? I do

Around 4:30 may be?

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