8. Duties Assigned

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|Aisha's P.V.O.|

Biology practical classes were going on and I was completely focussed, doing my part of the practical while Viaan was doing his.

"Ahem ahem" Viaan cleared his throat and intutively I looked towards him giving a what-happened-to-you look.

"So, do you want to share something?" he asked

"I suppose, No ." I said , pouring the chemical in the test tube very attentively.

"Ummm I heard Ayan likes Sanjana,- -" as soon as he passed the statement I halted my actions and passed a glare towards him masking my shock pretty well , I guess

"Everything that you hear may not be true."

"Ummm I heard it when Ayan and you were talking." he said sheepishly

"You know eavesdropping is not really a very good habit."

"Yeah, I know and I am extremely sorry for that, but in my defense I would like to say that you shrieked so loudly that I had to turn around to look who it was." he said defensively

"But you had left the premises with everyone else, right ?"

"Yes, I had. But then owing to my hopeless brain I had to come back to take a book, that I forgot in the class." he said while heating the test tube

"You agree that you are hopeless?"

"Sometimes, yes" he said with a childish grin

Oh! That smile

"Not bad Goenka , from staying in denial mode to accepting facts, I see some progress happening there." I said chuckling a bit.

He kept the test tube in the test tube stand and bowed down in front of me saying "Thankyou milady." and I rolled my eyes listening  to the word 'Milady' .

"Can't you for once not flirt with me?"

"Frankly, I try not to but then looking at you, it comes naturally to me." He buttered his words and I rolled my eyes again." But , you have still not answered my first question."

"Which question Viaan, am I able to separate the pollen grains from the flower, that one?" I asked innocently as if I did not know where was the conversation leading.

"That was a very bad attempt at changing  topic , Aishi." he said while laughing.

Yes, we had come to terms where he could call me Aishi. Do not take wrong ideas, we are friends.

"What are you talking about Viaan?" I asked with innocence

"Ok fine, don't accept, but just so that you know, I think Sanjana too has some feelings for him" he said leaving me utterly shocked.

I mean how could he know? Sanju is my best friend. If there was anything like that..may be I should have been amongst the firsts to know that. My possessive side towards my friends had kicked in.

  As if  reading my mind and the questions that were explosing in it , he said " We recently discovered that Sanju and I live in the same neighborhood and we jog together in the nearby park every evening. And whenever we  talk about Ayan, there is a shine in her eyes and certain fondness that she has for him, and that makes me think that she also likes him."

"Ohhhhkkk" I sang and the expressions relieved a bit.

But wait a minute, when the hell was she going to tell me about these recent developments. God, I need to have a talk with her.

Again as if reading my mind , he said "She was about to tell you today, but well , now I did."

Enjoying the comfortable silence that settled in again, we went back to our jobs at hand.

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