18. Done and Dusted

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| Aisha's POV|

Prelims were over in a flick and it didn't even feel that way. Every day was so taxing that you couldn't make out where the twenty four hours of the day slipped away. It seemed like time had fast forwarded itself and we all students were stuck in a cycle , actually two types of cycles. The one that worked on the days that were reserved for preparation and other came into play during the exam days.

At the end of it , we all were so low on confidence because our papers went awful and that's when we concluded two possibilities that were a result of a mind you, very serious round table meeting at the canteen.

The very first being, Viaan said and I quote, ' Its all intentional, they chalked out difficult papers deliberately, so that our confidence would crumble down and we would study more to pass our final exams.' And the second one was , Sanjana said, and I again quote, ' May be we had so much fun, that we neglected studies and may be we actually need to study more.'

Well, in my opinion, it was a mixture of both the worlds  because even teachers had agreed that the paper was of moderate level, but not as bad as we made it sound and hence, a personal conclusion that I had landed for myself was to work my ass off for the next fifteen days so that I could pass final exams with considerably good marks.

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Before I knew , theory part of final exams for class eleventh was over and the situation was nothing different than it was during prelims. I swear, I had never been this exhausted. If physics was my go to subject, I utterly hated chemistry and especially the blocks, I couldn't get myself to study them. And to top it all, we had to learn plant kingdom in biology, which was so volatile. But, it did not end here. To turn it into a cakewalk, my coachings for NEET were still going on , and it made everything harder.

But nonetheless, we only had practicals left and then, viola! we'll be done with eleventh. Not exactly though, because NEET UG examination requires you to not forget class eleventh, but a girl could ask  for a break from her mundane life for atleast three days, right?

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"Are you ready partner?" I asked Viaan tapping him on the back slightly.

Howmuch ever I have cribbed about Viaan  being my lab partner, I couldn't deny the fact that I got a very cooperative lab partner, who was always ready to learn , explain and help , no matter how dumb or difficult the question was.

" For what?" he asked

Did I just praise him? I take that back

" Why the fuck are we standing here Mr
Goenka? " I questioned folding my hands and continued " and what are we partners in? " I completed , arching an eyebrow.

"Oh ! that way, sorry could not comprehend. Actually was a little lost" he said flashing that embarrassing smile of his.

This was the first time I was seeing him that distant and it did not settle well with me but before I could think much , Rashi screamed in my ear , shocking me beyond imagination which apparently was enough to send the two of them on a laughing riot. Dumbasses!

"What! don't laugh." I said faking hurt expressions and continued, " It is said that laughing and crying come in equal proportions in a person's life and just so that you remember, we have a viva to give and not to forget Mouni ma'am is the one taking it. Toh jada mat haso*" I said in order to outshine them and boy! it worked and how; I could laugh for hours looking at their expressions but well, situation didn't permit that as of now.

Mouni ma'am was that scary, trust me. She could fuck the shit out of anybody and you wouldn't have the guts to even look in her eyes once.

"Such a spoilt sport." Rashi mumbled and I in turn sticked my tongue out and eventually we all got back to reading important points.


Three mad people were caught waving their hands at us, as soon as we stepped in the canteen. They were already done with their exams and I remember very distinctly the day, their exams got over. They had teased us to hell and back.

"Guysssssss" screamed  Sanjana at the top of her voice and, boy! her excitement was pretty much palpable. " All of us have finally passed our eleventh standard successfully and that my dear friends, calls for a celebration." she continued and all of us looked at her with a dead look.

As in I agree  we were done with our exams, but she had literally assumed that all of us had made it through and that, was weird , in many ways.

"Excuse me?" Ayan questioned and there he read my mind. That is why ,I call him my best friend . Ok back to the real world Aisha
"How are you so sure we all are going to pass?" he continued questioning.

"I am, because we all passed the prelims with considerably good marks even though the paper was shitty as hell. So come what may , we are for sure passing this one. And who's even asking you , your eleventh standard grades?" Sanjana sassed and continued, " So if my lord here agrees,  can we continue our party discussion?" she questioned

We all knew, somewhere she was right and to be honest, her  zeal was so contagious, one could hardly ignore it .   " What time?" "Where are we going?" "Should we have a theme?" , we all threw questions simultaneously and she rolled her eyes back.

"What kind of people are you guys? A minute ago you'll were least interested and now look at your faces, all elated ." and we looked here and there in little embarrassment that clouded us for seconds.

" I think, lets decide the time and venue first and then the remainders, what say?" Rashi suggested and we'll agreed with her. And just like that, our party discussion was a hour long affair full of debates, discussions and arguments.

Between all of this, my mind wandered off to how this party would turn out because something was weird. I couldn't point it out but it was. I genuinely hoped everything went well.


Hello you beautiful people!

I know I have been extremely irregular with the updates and I am actually sorry for that😅 But on rhe other hand I would just say Med school dies take a lot from your time. But I'll try my best to update as regularly as possible.

Coming to the chapter, this one os a filler one , but please hook on guys; you would really want to read the next chapter😉

Also, the book is nearing the wnd of phase 1 and that is exciting me all the more further. Can't wait to share the story of Aisha and Viaan with you.

If you like the chapter, do not forget to hit the star button and share it with your friends. Make sure you leave a comment too. It just gives a bout of motivation.

Until then, Happy reading

Until then, Happy reading-PC😀

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