1.Sneek peak into her Life

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|Aisha's P.O.V |

It was 9:30 in the morning. Papa was searching  for his car keys , bhai was in quiet a good mood and maa was busy packing my tiffin. That was the scene inside my house. Cars and two wheelers zooming on the road this early, the sun already glowing in its full gloary and why wouldn't it shine that brightly.......it was the month of may atlast. This was the scene outside my house.And what was I doing? Well to answer the question, I was getting ready, to be specific tying my hair into a tight high pony. Done with tying my hair, I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs only to be greeted by the teasings of my idiotic brother.

" I am just happy...so happy I'll have the entire house for myself for one long week." he said
"Also not to forget, no one would be disturbing me while I study or no one would irritate me while I watch television. I can finally live in peace." he said dramatically.

"Don't you think you are dreaming way beyond your league?" I asked cocking an eyebrow towards him while checking my stuff for the last time before papa puts all of them in the trunk of the car.

That was my elder brother, Virat Singhania.He is pursuing MBBS from GMC , Mumbai and is at home for his summer vacations.

"Aishi stop arguing with that idiot and listen to me. You will keep all your belongings very safely. You won't do much of adventure that can hurt you in ways........." and with that my mom started giving her set of instructions for the 10th time now since yesterday.

Yes I was keeping a track of how many times had I heard the same lecture from her,thinking  about it I smiled sheepishly in my head before coming back to earth.

"Maa maa maa listen...I know you are worried for me , but don't you take stress ok. Its just a week long camp and I promise to come back healthy and safe ok." I said calming her down a bit.
" I know beta,ok now enough with my boring instructions, go and have lots of fun with your friends. Enjoy to your heart's content ." with that she lovingly stroked my head and kissed my forehead and I hugged her back.

That was my mom, Dr.Seema Singhania. A Gynecologist by profession. Her staff feared her like anything.She was a very strict co-boss to her staff and equally friendly doctor to her patients.And about how she was as a wife and a mother..you would see that in coming days .*winks*

" Coming papa" I said as I heard the horn of the car indicating that papa is ready . I quickly went to the puja room, took the blessings of almighty and dashed out of the house. We zoomed of to the railway station as I had to be there by 10:30 and the traffic was not helping in anyway.

"By any chance is your boyfriend also coming with you on this trip?" asked papa while driving.

"What!? No papa I do not have a boyfriend." I said looking towards papa with 'I don't know what you are talking about' expressions.
He laughed.
"What made you think something as weird as that?"
He laughed again."Nothing just was curious to know if my daughter had a boyfriend or not so that I could warn him to stay safe you know."
"Daaaaaadddd!!!" I whined like a small kid.
"Ok jokes aside, but be safe and enjoy to your fullest." he said  while smiling at me.
"Yup papa."

That was my papa, Dr. Hardik Singhania. A Gastroentrologist by profession. He was as friendly with the staff as strict was my mother with them and his patients used to treat him like god. Yes , he was that good in his skills. I may not be wrong if I say I am papa's princess.

Well, daughters generally are papa's princess and sons are mumma's prince...right? Same was the case in my family.

Did I forget to introduce myself? Ok sorry, I am Aisha Singhania.Completed my 10th standard this year and currently going on a trip ,specifically a camp with my friends to Manali. Actually we were going there with a group of 30 school students and 2 adults, one male and one female  who were our instrictors for the trip.It was one of those summer camps that is organized during the summer holidays and it was being organised by a reputed travel company.

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The railway station was full of life. Trains stood on different platforms waiting for their departure to be announced, vendors selling chips , softdrinks, books and what not.  We had just arrived at the designated platform when I spotted Ayan standing with our friends. I rushed towards them with papa. Sensing my arrival, he turned towards me and gave his 360 watts smile.
"Hello uncle, how are you?"
"I am fine beta, all decked up I see. Enjoy a lot."
"Sure uncle. And you idiot, why did you come so early?You should have reached after we left." he said looking towards me
"How could I miss the chance of irritating you stupid,hence I decided to come early." I said smiling sheepishly. I knew I had just made it in time and it was confirmed when it was announced that our train was about to arrive.

That was Ayan, Ayan Mantri , my best friend and happens to be my family friend too. We literally know each other since our diaper days, thanks to our families.

"I think all of you should get inside the train beacuse it halts for only 10 minutes at the station" instructor sir said and we began our work. Advik and Ayan helped Sanjana , Rashi and me to load our luggage at our repsective seats and did the same with their luggage too. Oh, I forgot to introduce my friends.

Starting from Sanjana, Sanjana Dixit. She is the female version of what Ayan is to me. We first met when we were in first standard and since then there has been no looking back.
Coming to Rashi, Rashi Agrawal. Our friendship started when we both were in 6th standard when I shared my dairy milk with her.
And then comes Advik, Advik Mehra. He flirted till no end with me when I was in 9th standard and I had snapped at him very badly. But then slowly we two become good friends. And you already know Ayan now.

When I observed the train moving , I waved a goodbye to papa and started moving towards my seat.This camp would be so much fun. I am so very excited for this.


Hello readers,
Welcome to the first chapter of  'From Her Teen Days '( recreated) *claps and cheers heard*

*Aisha took blessings from almighty before leaving her house :- In hindu culture, before leaving the house for travelling somewhere, we pray to god that our journey is safe and we reached our destination unharmed.

I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.Hope you all are doing well in this tough time.
I know I said I would update the first chapter ages ago and I am late now, and so I am sorry.

Also tell me how you spent your summer vactions after your 10th board. It would be fun sharing our experiences.😃😃

Also if you liked the chapter, do not forget to hit the star button . Do let me know your views on the chapter through the comments section☺

I'll  be back soon with another chapter. Till then happy reading!

- PC

- PC

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