17. No, Its not a Date

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|Aisha's P.O.V|

Notes were spread across the long wooden table, files were stacked over one another, with pages doing pee ka boo from the inside, Newton's third law of motion from the NCERT physics book, 'if a body exerts a force on a second body, the second body exerts a force that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the first force' ; in simple words, every action has an equal and opposite reaction; could be precisely pointed out in between the rough pages and highlighters of different colours that were sprawled out.

It was a crazy Saturday afternoon, wherein I was trying to wrap my head around a numerical, which I was successfully failing at, offcourse. I was stuck at this problem since half an hour now and I could not find any solution to it, and that was getting on my nerves.

I was more agitated because physics is my subject of choice when it comes between physics and chemistry, and here I was sitting like a dumb student, staring the scribblings , with no idea how to get to the ultimate solution.

The cherry on the top was, my phone was vibrating continuously since the last two minutes and that was irritating me.

Who the fuck it is?

"Hello" , I said in all frustration, without even looking at the caller ID .

"Woah woah Singhania, calm down" , he said from the other side.

Why on the earth does he have to call me right now, I thought internally

"What got you all worked up?", he questioned .

"Nothing, its just Newton, I'll get the hang of it soon, probably ", I said with a sigh.

"Ayeeee, you will darling." he said trying to motivate me and tease me at the same time.

Do you still need guesses to know who it is on the other side of the line

"Don't darling me , Mr. Goenka." I said with fake bossiness

"And do you think that tone of yours scares me away? I know your dil goes hmmm hmm* , whenever I say that." he retorted back while humming the song.

" Just so that you know, your singing is pathetic." I said with sass, ignoring the former part of his statement.

" That I know, but it also means you do agree with my statement?" He said with equal sass.

I do, infact it does summersaults when you say it, but I would never accept it in front of you, not in this birth, for sure.

" Living in fantasy world, are we?" I replied back

He let out a roaring laugh, which mind you , was very contagious and said, "You'll realise it soon Aishi."

I'll realise what?

"Anyways" he continued " Do remember to complete the project that we have been allotted, everyone has done their part, yours is remaining. So make sure you complete it. " he said with all authority.

" Aye aye captain." I said with a smile and he chuckled on that.

" Acha listen, " I said with a hint of suggesting something " Are you free ?"

From Her Teen DaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon