16. May be?

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|Third person's P.O.V|

It was the onset of winters, but probably Nagpur weather had no relation with winters. The sun was shining around all the time and only the evenings sometimes witnessed the the soul relaxing, calm breeze. But well, that did not count much, because if you could ask the city dwellers, they would say that the sun was blazing hot.

Two days had passed by since the fight and there was absolute silence between the friends. Aisha was completing her biology manual during the free time that was sort of a break in between two lectures. She was on the fifth experiment, when she noticed that the light that was illuminating her manual was replaced by somebody's shadow. She shifted her eyes from the book to look up in order to make out who it was, when she spotted Sanjana standing in front of her.

Noticing Sanjana there, Aisha just spared a blank look at her and got back to what she was initially doing. But if you could ask Sanjana , that look was more than blank stare. It was a mask that hid the dismay underneath.

It had been five entire minutes, that Sanjana was standing there, but Aisha had buzzed not even a bit. In order to gain her attention, Sanjana just seized the pen out of her hold and in reaction she raised her eyebrow, looking straight in Sanjana's eyes, asking for an explanation.

" Ummm..I think we need to talk." Sanjana said.

"Ohhh " was all that Aisha replied back.

" I know what your mood is right now, but will you please meet me down, around the basket ball court during the break?" asked Sanjana anxiously and in return, Aisha just nodded her head in a yes , took back the pen from Sanajan's hand, and got back to work.

"I hope to see you there. Bye." Saying this, Sanajan left for her class.

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Quietly, Aisha sat down besides Sanjana.

" Would you try speaking something?" said Sanjana, a bit irritated with the silence that had loomed over between them.

" What do you want me to say?" said Aisha looking intensely at her nails, and then at Sanjana.

" Ok fine, I get it." Sanjana sighed

" Aishi, I am sorry I said all that to you." Sanjana said, looking diligently at her and continued.

"I didn't mean any of it. I don't know why did I think back then that you were jealous of me or insecure, when I should have known that you were the happiest with this association. But in my defense, I was very irritated and more than irritated, I was shocked with whatever you had said and I just could not get it around my head." Sanjana said and took a deep breath in order to continue further.

" And that beauty thing, I feel so dumb of myself , to say that. What was I even thinking? I know while growing up I used to be insecure about myself, my body, my looks. But all of it had changed when you had introduced me to the concept of self love. I don't know why it resurfaced again like that."
" I agree I was angry with you , with the thought that you thought I had left my friends, which I think I had not, but then I am sure there was something that made you think like that. Would you want to share?"

Straightening her back, Aisha said, " Look Sanjana, I don't want to sound like a bitch or something, and I really want you to know , that I am extremely happy for the two of you. But just lets be practical for a moment. Let us assume" said Aisha, air quoting the word assume,
" that you two break up or there is a tiff between you two, you'll share it with us , right?" Sanjana nodded to that and Aisha continued," We don't want you to think twice before telling us, only because you realise then that you had grown distant from us. We love you and just because you are in a relationship, we don't want you to grow distant from us. All I think is that, friendship is equally important as a romantic relationship."

From Her Teen DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora