19. It felt like Saturday Night

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|Aisha's POV |

If you had to describe my room right now, you would have said that a hurricane has passed through it recently. It was that shambolic; the reason being today's party. It was five in the evening and the party was to begin at around seven in the evening; the venue being , my house.

We had decided upon a ' pyjama party ' because frankly, all of us were too tired to dress up. Even the boys felt that they had no energy to put on the denim fabric on their body. And since it was a pyjama party plus we all wanted to be in the realms of comfort and yet enjoy to our heart's content, the venue exactly sufficed to all of our needs.

I had tried my best to make all the arrangements possible, that could ensure us having one of the best home parties till date. Could you imagine, I had gone to the extent where I had literally requested Virat bhaiya, key word being 'requested' , (but the emotion was begged) to curate a playlist for us on which we could dance our hearts out and have fun. Well, I have to give it to him that he is best at that. I had also hunted down through the entire store room in the hope to discover cards and all the board games that had not seen the daylight since ages.
I wanted this party to be a memorable one.

Anyways, coming back to the mess that I had created over the span of past half an hour, I really wanted to  wear a very cute tie and die co-ord set of mine and hence was the search spree and chaos all over my wardrobe and bed when I finally found it in the corner of the lower most shelf of my cupboard.

What an accomplishment I had achieved!

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It was 8 o' clock when finally all of them entered the house in syncrony.
"I am so glad that you'll finally decided to grace me with your presence." I taunted all of them and gave them a supposingly cold shoulder before fetching peach mojito for all of them , as maa quoted it was a 'welcome drink' for these dumbasses.
Like seriously!

" Actually the boy gang overslept and thus we were running a little late." voiced Advik causing my eyes to roll again , " And here I had sacrificed my precious sleep." I said, fake glaring at the boys.

"And what about you two beautiful ladies?" I asked Sanjana and Rashi in the most sarcastic way I could and what they replied managed to boggle my mind because Rashi sassed and I quote, 'Oh we got late just like that, no specific reason as such.'

"What the actual fuck guys! " I couldn't stop myself from saying this out loud and all they did was sip their welcome drinks.

I could literally face palm myself right now. Ekdum obhodro!*

"If you are done with showing off you acting skills already, could we actually start the party?" Sanjana retorted while making herself comfortable on the couch.

" Which movie are we gonna see?" questioned Rashi  and instead of answering her question, Viaan counter questioned, " Weren't we going to play games and dance all night?"

Without heeding much attention to what Viaan had said, Ayan pipped in saying, " I thought we were going on a drive roaming around the city?" and with that everybody started bickering about what actually were we going to do and each of them was on an entirely different tangent altogether.

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It was around 8:45pm and we had hit the roads roaming around now, with Rashi and Advik on one Activa, Sanjana and Ayan on another and Viaan and me on the last. So the plan was, we were going to roam around civil lines, pass from in front of the graveyard that also included scaring our shit asses out ( to be specific, mine), but the boys being boys were desperate to pull this stunt off, leaving us girls (read me) with really no option but to chant all kinds of mantras while we were passing through that place and then coming back after our chaat spree if at all we are alive after the spooky act we would do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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