15. It will be Okay

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| Viaan's P.V.O|

It had been entire 24 hrs since Aisha had not talked to any of us. Yesterday after all that fiasco, all she did was attend the last two lectures and quietly took her leave. But today, her silence had surpassed levels and I could not handle her muzzle anymore and that was the very reason I found myself running behind her in an attempt to stop her before she leaves.

"Woahhh , I have been running behind you, trying to stop you, and here you are turning a deaf ear towards me. Atleast give the poor guy some credit." I said huffing and puffing when she had finally halted.

" Yeah poor guy, do you have something to say, or should I leave?" she said with a poker face.

Typical angry and sad Aisha, going all sarcastic. Had she been in her jolly mood, I would have given that sarcasm back to her and we would have started blabbering and fighting like there's no tomorrow and then would have laughed like half mad people.

" Yup, I do, otherwise why do you think I would run behind you like a lunatic?. Let's go, drink soda."

It was a month ago we discovered that, both of us loved drinking flavoured soda and for that day we have had our mini personal soda parties where we would talk about anything and everything over soda, you know.

" You travelled all this distance ,running, just to ask me if we could go get soda for ourselves, Are you insane?"

" Umm..I think so, but how does that matter. The point right now is , are you coming?"

" No, I am not. " she said while wearing her helmet. " Now move." she said indicating me to move away from her scooty.

" Yaar, c'mon . I really want to have it and I promise I won't take much of you time. Please?" I said while giving my best puppy eyes possible.

" You are unbelievable." She said while rolling her eyes. " I'll meet you at the stall near road 72."

" Aye Aye captain." I mocked saluted her and ran towards my vehicle.

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"I still am unable to understand how in the world can you like pineapple soda?" Aisha said

" Exactly the way you like blueberry soda."

" But pineapple tastes like  some bitter medicine that is forcefully shoved  down your throat."

" I think for me blueberry fits that defination."

" Whatever." she said rolling her eyes and taking a sip of the drink.

I was having my all time favourite pineapple soda and she was having her blueberry. I think she's in a neutral mode and thats the perfect timing to address the elephant in the room.

" Aisha, on a serious note, are you ok?"

" Yes I am, what would happen to me?" she said looking anywhere but in my eyes.

"You know what Aishi, you are a very despicable liar. Out of all people, you choose to lie right on my face and that too with not so good acting? Seriously!?"

" What do you want me to say, you want me to say I am not feeling ok, or do you want me to say it feels plaintive to know that you have fought with your best friend for something that does not even exist. Jealousy and insecurity and to top it all, beauty? Like seriously?" she said in a go.

"You know, I am really happy  that both of my best friends are together but let us suppose that some day they break up, then what next? Both of them should have people to go to, their social life should keep on moving, they should not miss out on friends just because they were in a relationship. That was why I said what I said."  she said looking somewhere distant, as if she was lost in her thoughts or probably  she thought she was self talking.

" Yes, I am hurt, yes I am feeling bad about it. Not because we had a fight. If it was only a normal fight, I would have been ok, but she said things which were not normal. It feels bad to know , that someone, who knows you inside out, thinks like this about you. It makes me feel so low if I think about it." she said letting out her whole frustation and started sobbing.

I was hugging her lightly when she said, " I am sorry, I didn't want to cry, but I guess it was all pent up inside. But, thank you so much for listening me out."

" You say that thank you of yours once again , I'll not have soda parties with you anymore." I said in fake anger and that made her giggle a bit and she hit my chest lightly.

Just saying, it felt good embracing her. It felt like home for some time. By the way just saying.

Hello guys!
I hope all of you are doing well.

After listening to Aisha's side of story, do you think whatever she said was right?

Do you think Sanjana will realise her mistake, or would a friendship that lasted for years, will have to breathe its last breathe?

Do let me know through the inline comments. I would love it to hear from you guys.

Also, if you like the chapter, do not forget to vote and comment.

Till then, Happy Reading!
- PC 🙂

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