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I don't usually do rare pairs simply because I find them hard to write, but this is one of the best requests I've ever come across.

3rd POV

Having a boyfriend was hard.

In this day and age, society has moved upwards. People were more excepting of the idea, two men being together. But some weren't. Some were brainwashed from the start into believing that god created man and woman for a single reason, reproduction.

So there was no doubt about it, having a boyfriend while being a man yourself was a difficult feat.

What was even more difficult? Being put up against your boyfriend in one of the most important nights of your life.

"What's wrong with you guys?!" Ukai continued to lecture. "Match point isn't a time to be goofing off. It doesn't matter if it's in Seijoh's favor. Let's win back those points!"

The team was given a few extra seconds to drink some water and wipe away there sweat before being put back on court and the time out was done.

Their starting line up was different. They needed to throw off Aoba Johsai, so playing was Hinata, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Daichi, and Sugawara. Nishinoya was being switched out with Yamaguchi and Kageyama was taken out because he was losing his cool.

Otherwise, all of their strongest players were on the court. This was their best rotation. They couldn't lose.

"We can't lose." Sugawara mumbled over and over. "Match point in favor of Seijoh, Oikawa up to serve, Iwaizumi up front. All of their best hitter's in the back, but their best blockers are in the front. How do we get around this?" Sugawara would not let his team lose at nationals. He needed to think.

Tsukishima and Hinata were immediately at the net as soon as Oikawa's serve was in the air, Daichi receiving.

Sugawara closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. This was a make or break moment, does he send it to Asahi? Would that be too obvious? Seijoh has gotten scarily good at receiving Asahi's hits. If they dug up Asahi's hit, that would leave them in a bad position. Maybe, Hinata? Or Tsukishima? No, Sugawara couldn't send Tsukishima a hit he wasn't prepared for. And Hinata is worn out. 4 consecutive matches, this being their 5th. Even Hinata was lacking in energy.

In a panicked, last second move, Sugawara sent to ball left. Was there even anyone on the left? God he should have paid more attention-

"I got it!"

Of course, Asahi would go for the last ball. Because if he couldn't get the last point, what kind of ace was he?

Asahi's spike was strong, but Watari - Seijoh's libero - easily dug it up and over to Oikawa.

So this was it, eh? The real make or break moment. Sugawara wouldn't let down his team - he couldn't.

This was their last chance, his, and Daichi's, and Asahi's last chance to win at nationals before their high school volleyball time would end. Before they would end up at college, playing on different teams. This was important for so many people. He wouldn't let himself fail.

"Back!" Suga briefly heard Oikawa yell.

Sugawara shifted slightly, on the balls on his feet, his hands in front of him.

Iwaizumi was soaring through the air, flawless formation for a beautiful spike, with a no doubt perfect follow through. It went straight past Hinata and Tsukishima's defense.

"A cut shot- goddamnit." Suga muttered harshly, moving desperately to the side. In doing so, crossing his feet. He felt a small twinge in his ankle, but it was nothing compared to the adrenaline rush he was feeling. "I got it!"

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