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1/1 - Regardless of my mental health state at the moment, I am going to write this is in celebration on the holidays. Next will be Christmas and no I'm not making oneshotz about Thanksgiving.
(A lil late. Oh well)

3rd POV

Bokuto huffed and pouted as he looked away from his boyfriend. Nothing he tried worked, nothing.

Currently, Bokuto was trying to scare Akaashi. That might sound terribly mean but come on, it's Halloween. The one day of the year you can scare the shit out of someone and it's not followed by a law suit.

But it was impossible. Akaashi was unfazed by anything and everything he did.

The classic writing on the mirror and waiting for it to fog up while Akaashi was in the shower. Nothing.

The obvious choice for more of an adrenaline rush rather than real fear, sneaking behind Akaashi and jump scaring him. Akaashi didn't even flinch.

The head in the jar project he had worked on for the entire week prior, Akaashi chuckled slightly and grabbed his apple while walking away.

So Bokuto stepped it up a little.

He lied and told Akaashi he had accidentally set an entire cage of spiders loose in the house. Akaashi wasn't having any of that.

Creepy sounds, fake candy apples (what's scarier than food giving you trust issues?), ghost, computer 'glitch', snake in a box- everything he could think of!

None of the pranks even as much as startled Akaashi.

Bokuto pouted and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen. He dejectedly grabbed his phone and plopped in the couch only to get a notification seconds later.

Bro: Bro, you know how you said you were having trouble prancing Akaashi earlier???

🦉Akaashi's Favorite🦉: Yeah bro

Bro: Bro, you're totally his number one weakness. All you gotta do is collapse suddenly while wearing some white makeup to make you look pale.

Bro: Better yet, going out somewhere and leave for a few minutes and make him come find you and have him find you 'dead'

🦉Akaashi's Favorite🦉: I don't know bro.. that second one is a little extreme..

Bro: You want to scare him right?

Bro: Just do the first option, he'll be terrified. And what's wrong with a little bit of joking around?

Bokuto paused for a second, frowning slightly. It was just collapsing, besides Akaashi probably wouldn't care all too much seeing as he hasn't gotten scared at all today.

Bokuto hesitantly swayed his head from sided to side thoughtfully. There wasn't anything wrong with a harmless prank..

🦉Akaashi's Favorite🦉: Thanks bro, totally owe you!

Bokuto turned off his phone and hopped off the couch with new found determination to prepare.


Bokuto smiled as he stood, figuring he'd probably follow through with his plan in a few minutes.

He had already put on the slightest bit of concealer to make him look slightly pale and Akaashi hadn't really said anything. Though Bokuto was given an extremely long and contemplative look before Akaashi got back to his work.

Bokuto laughed slightly as he continued texting Kuroo.

Bro: Dude come on- you owe me for helping you, and Kenma really wants that game! It's a win win!

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